Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

The comment about Lost Ark is simply not true and borderline lying. In Lost Ark NA/EU you can argue there is pay for convivence but thats it there is no direct way to spend $$$ to get gear in Lost Ark but you absolutely can in WoW (buy gold and get gear in AH)

LOL what? I never said I didn’t believe him so I don’t know how to answer that.

I admit they give you an easy way to get gold but I have no idea if finding a booster is easy. Or trustworthy. And it has nothing to do with my point.

If WoW is pay2win, why do I have to rely on a booster at all? Saying WoW is pay2win means I shouldn’t have to give another player anything.

I honestly have no idea what your point is as what you said makes absolutely no sense

Because boosting existed before Tokens. Tokens didn’t create the need for boosters.

Pay to win would be me paying Blizzard to win. Me paying a Booster to give me a small advantage isn’t winning.

Pay to win = you pay the company for something directly.
All the things you listed come from players.

All the things you listed are equivalent to me paying someone 5g for a flask.


You are saying WoW is pay2win. Why do I have to give my gold to another player if WoW is pay2win? Why can’t I give it to Blizzard for gear if WoW is pay2win? I don’t know how else to say it.

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ok i should not have said you didnt believe him but the person involved confirms that their business is better due to tokens

thank you we finally agree on a main point, that tokens are a easy way to get gold which is the easiest sources to boost

Wow is being considered pay to win because of tokens which give you easy gold. it’s hiding one currency

it’s funny only people with no end game content done claim the game is P2W

No one has denied this. I don’t know why you’re even bringing this up.

Boosting is not winning. Still on a disagreement here.

Some people just like to argue

well done posting on a lvl 10 human warrior

i’m just from eu bro , i can flex my EU char if you want

If your definition is currency for ingame service then yeah, but so is literally every game with a trade market then? I can easily boost people to global in csgo for ingame skins and you can buy csgo skins with real money, is csgo pay2win?

we believe you

Wow is literally not P2W. P2W requires you to be able to purchase power or convenience/speed gains directly from blizz. I guess you could argue the token is a convenience factor so maybe. But due to the fact that you’re still one step removed since blizz doesn’t sell boosts directly, it therefore cannot be considered P2W. There’s not really any power or convenience factors you can purchase with gold that is provided directly by Blizz. High level boe gear perhaps but BoE gear is limited.

Lost ark on the other hand, literally sells convenience and skips in their cash shop. You RMT an advantage over others by paying Lost ark more than others. This is P2W. For some reason YouTubers are too stupid to realise that there is no difference between P2W power and P2W convenience/speed. Both are P2W. Lost ark is, by definition, P2W.

Watching YouTubers trying to squirm around the definition in order to desperately try make it look like Lost ark isn’t P2W is hilarious. They sound like politicians.

Couldn’t this be said of any game? I could pay my kids who have considerably more free time than I to play anything for me while I am at work.

Does easy gold guarantee that I can find a trustworthy booster? Does it guarantee the gear I want from the raid slot I bought will drop? I’m leaving a lot of the responsibility on another player which is why I will never feel like WoW is pay2win.

Well, not unless they sell this stuff in the store.

Ok i can see your argument about the trustworthy thing and i sort of agree

there is a risk involved in boosting even if it is easy to get it

i still feel wow is somewhat pay to win but i get your point

just i have 1 question , for you what is the % of boosted players in the end game content ?

do you think they are a minority like 5% or legit 30%

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