Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Every thread I see him in he is arguing with people, usually one individual he can pick apart and stress out. Added him to ignore a few days ago.

Aww, can’t handle being told you’re wrong? Bummer.

And I’m actually a Night Elf. Was previously a troll though, so close! 5/10

Yes, where do I find my 246 Blood-Spattered Scale after I bought my Token?


ok first are you Forumcow? no

next, ok easy, keep paying a group gold to farm that item for you get tokens and pay them, you sit back and relax no need to do anything

How do you know it’s panicked? Are you looking through my window? Creepy.

Is “KEK” one of your stroke ticks? It’s weird. Anyways, what goal post did I move? Quote it.

I don’t considering being a glorified spectator to content winning tbh

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the same way you knew that i had a “stroke” because you felt you won the argument

the fact that you’re trying to bring random stuff tells a lot

Just those who are spreading misinformation. Weird how you have me on ignore, yet still respond to me directly.

I already paid once. I should have it. That’s how it works. So where is it?

In order for me to consider something as “P2W”, I (first) need to define what it means to “win”, in this game.

I consider Hearthstone “P2W” 'cause you can pay for better cards which will outbeat your opponent. As part of Hearthstone’s “winning” mechanic is to have good cards to beat your opponents.

When, it pertains to WoW, there needs to be an agreed upon definition of what it means to “win” WoW. So, again, how does one “win” at WoW? What does it mean to “win” the game?

see that’s where people don’t understand why people boost…they think “why even play the game”

but people paying for boosts want the rewards and they don’t care about if they can perform

and blizzard makes this easy by selling tokens

keep paying you have tokens

That’s not pay to win. Keep trying though.

I’m basing that on the gibberish you were typing. A lot of your replies didn’t even relate to the conversation and you do keep typing “KEK”, which is really weird.

Like…? Still waiting for specifics.

this argument is coming from ppl who truly never played a pay2win game
wow isn’t p2w

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your posts were full of gibberish as well lol don’t worry

I don’t think that Blizzard selling WoW tokens makes them responsible for every single asset you get with that gold. Same way I don’t think my credit card company is responsible for every dumb purchase I make with my MasterCard.

The way I see it, no service that Blizzard provides (other than World of Warcraft itself) is a necessary component for carries to happen.

Blizzard does not give the successful run - the person who carries me does.

Blizzard does not make it possible to pay for a carry when it would have otherwise been impossible - Carries were paid for on external sites an apps long before tokens exist and would continue to be so if the token disappeared. People who want to buy carries are not reliant on the WoW token to do so.

Carries are not an in-game service provided by Blizzard so I find it difficult to call it pay to win. The ability to be carried is not unique to people who pay money. Players can carry other players for whatever reasons they wish, regardless of how much they’re paid or what currency that payment is in whether it be gold, USD, or just plain old friendship and goodwill.

But that’s the point even with the rewards I don’t think that’s “winning”, to me “winning” would be being proficient at your chosen content and performing above and beyond the average for the gear you have.

Our mate stacked joe has participation awards and has some nice ilvl but anyone with any sense would see almost instantly he’s not that 10/10 M raider, or that gladiator judging by his performance

My original point was pay2win = an insurmountable advantage.

Joe has an advantage through paid for gear but as stated, he sucks.

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Advantages come in many ways


First two can be obtained by paying and third is what you need to get first two

you dont need the third if you can pay with tokens

So not going to answer my question. Got ya. Pretty standard for you. Are you going to tell me to go find a booster that will do it for free?

“KEK” :clown_face:

It all comes down to folk’s opinions on what “winning” is.

Like I said. Your mileage may vary.

We’ll just have to agree to disagree my friend

And now we’re into ad hominem which means he’s got nothing and whatever little credibility he had (was like .3%) is now gone.

Well thought out. Now if you can just convince others that Blizzard has to be directly involved in order for it to be pay to win, then we’d be good to go. Because as it stands, using in game currencies for carries has been around since the games inception (as it is with any MMO).

Advantage isn’t winning though. How many people in PvP go up against someone with better gear/ranking and still beat them? The opposing team had the advantage, by your logic they should have won.

Having an advantage isn’t winning.

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