Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?


That would be paying for convenience, which WoW has ALWAYS had.

What do you think server transfers are?

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Let me know when you get the “victory” or “game over” and credits scene for winning

It’s not guaranteed wins. Your purchase is not guaranteed, regardless of how much money you put down. How many runs does it take someone to get their BiS trinket? How can you guarantee me that me buying a token will mean I’ll have my trinket, GUARANTEED?

No one is saying otherwise. That’s how you get legitimate gold in game from swiping. The WoW token. But the WoW token is used for game time and in game currency. Buying a WoW token does not mean you’ve won the game


Why would someone say that’s not true when we’ve had tokens since 2014? 2015?

the victory scene is my achievement and mount I get ez do you think people who get boosted care about whether some player thinks they are good or not

That also has nothing to do with winning.

Show me a screenshot of what “winning WoW” looks like.


Or the people that post here from time to time that say someone took their gold and vanished then Blizzard said in a response to their ticket that boosting isn’t a supported transaction and they won’t help them get their gold back.

But that must have been a mistake because if WoW is pay2win then Blizzard themselves boosted them so it was probably fake.


I don’t think WoW is Pay to Win. Sure, if you can find people to pay for a carry through all the raids, story, pvp arenas and so on then it’s pay to win, but that’s outside of the game type agreements or yes Token stuff.

But for me, pay to win means actual paying to win. Like buying the absolute best gear in the game from the WoW shop. Or buying infinite life to solo that final raid boss. Wizards 101 was big on that. I could pay to continue the fight without the boss resetting its health.

That to me it what pay to win is. Actually paying to win. Not paying for cosmetic stuff from the shop or paying to watch other people fight your battles.

Just my thoughts on Pay to Win.


That’s not the point being argued. You haven’t seen anyone argue against it because that’s not a position anyone holds. Largely due to it being incredibly obvious.

I frankly don’t give a toss what in-game content you pay people to run you through with your own money. You deciding that those things being worth your $20 doesn’t mean I will make the same value judgement. Indeed I don’t think they’re worth $20 so I don’t buy them. In fact I don’t think carries are even worth $1. That’s why I don’t buy them. I don’t see the point in paying other people to play the game for me. I wouldn’t buy carries even if they were only a penny.

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Winning WoW = getting everything in a season in the easiest way possible on as many characters you want

How? With effort? yes but there’s a easier way

With gold. What’s the easiest way to get gold…tokens


…all cosmetic. No real endgame power there, unless you consider pet battles to be endgame content.

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do you think people bother about what you value about boosting?

no they value about buying a token to get easy gold to get easy achievements and gear or mounts which is normally not achievable without time, effort, skill

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Show me the official blue post that claims this is how you win WoW.

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show me a booster who boosts you for free in everything each season and I’ll show you that KEK

Selling carries actually. You’re limited to how many tokens you buy per week, and as such, have a cap on how much gold you can obtain as well.

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Who gives you those things when you buy a carry? Does Blizzard give you the rewards? Or does the person you pay to carry you give them to you after they beat the content for you.

Hint: It’s the latter. That’s why I don’t see the WoW token as being relevant in the carry discussion. Since Blizzard is not the provider of the carry service, getting rid of the WoW token won’t suddenly stop carries from happening. People seeking carries will still get them, they’ll just pay carries on outside apps instead of paying them in gold. Literally nothing will change.

You beat/win WOW when your name is on the ladder of the first page , M+/pvp/mounts/achievement

And this is not possible with tokens , only share or buy account

It would mean every game is P2W

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This is entirely irrelevant to anything we’ve mentioned or talked about. Show me where it says that winning WoW is getting everything in a season in the easiest way possible.

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are you sure you are not considering multiple accounts here?

Blizzard gives me the opportunity to buy those things through tokens it’s easy

I think he’s having a stroke because anytime he can’t come up with a reply he starts gibbering about boosters selling their service for free.


Aye, I’m starting to see that. Whatever boosters charge has nothing to do with conversation at hand. They can do it for free (what do you think it is when guildies run people through dungeons and funnel gear to them to get them ready for whatever content they do? boosting!).