Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Ummmm… you can in fact pay for carries for all of those things every single season with gold without ever opening your IRL wallet.

You do know that you can make gold without purchasing a token, right?

P2W comes in 1 step. I directly buy the exact item I want.

I want my DoS trinket. You keep avoiding that. Tell me, if it’s P2W, how do I buy my item I want?

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Damn, 30 people typing and 500 posts in 4 hours.
Didn’t read anything past the OP yet but I bet people are seething lmaoooo.
Gonna be good entertainment for later.

Because that’s the barrier wow put into the game for wow token’s p2w. No you can’t directly buy the AOTC mount, but you can buy carry to AOTC mount without ever touching the raid itself in progression. WoW token = $20 = sells for ingame gold = gold to you = gold traded to get carried for things. Just one form of P2W.

so you do agree instead of farming for in game gold I can instead buy a token and do it ez

Why not? WoW is pay2win. I don’t understand.

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No not really but I’m starting to suspect your a troll trying to anger people. No one is this dense in their understanding of p2w.


Wow is not P2W.
The only “rankings” that are somewhat officials and that you can argue in good faith could count as “winning” are :

  • The races for mythic kills on new raids
  • Mythic+ competitions
  • PVP competitions

Let me know when Jeff Bezos ends up “winning” all of those while “AFKing” through the content live on stream.

The only thing RM gets you in WoW is a wig. It only makes you look like something/someone you effectively are not.
M+ rating? A garment
PVP rating? An endless money pit if you maintain it by boosting,
Mythic raid kills? Ahh yeah those equal kills on every boss looks legit /s

More importantly there are people doing all of this for sure BUT those people will never:

  • Be part of top PVP players at the end of a season
  • Be part of a world first kill
  • End up a season with the highest mythic + key

So what are the people paying RM winning exactly?
There is nothing to win by paying and the actual things you can win they will never be part of.

For me it’s people like you that confuses me.

Is it that hard to differentiate between games that have been mechanically engineered from the ground up to be P2W and a game like WoW?
I feel the line is pretty freaking stark.


Could do this before the WoW token as well. So can’t really use the WoW token as to how WoW is p2w

He is, and he’s also agreeing that you can do the same thing without paying a penny, meaning it’s not p2w

That’s how P2W is. I buy my power/upgrades/gear/currencies/whatever directly from WoW. That’s how P2W works.


Help him understand.

Explain why he has to go through a third party instead of Blizzard to get all the best gear because that would clear up any misunderstanding.


but why would i do the same thing when I can pay Blizzard to get it easily and achieve everything in game basically completing the season lol

Incorrect. P2W means using real life $$ to get access to things ingame with little to no effort at all. That’s what the wow token is. $20 a pop for carries.

From Blizzard? Is that on the shop?


That’s entirely up to you as a person and holds no bearings in the argument of whether WoW is P2W or not.

That’s simply paying for convenience. Convenience is the not the same as winning.

but i can pay Blizzard, get gold and finish the season ahead which is finishing the game and then doing the same on an alt or waiting for the next season

ez pay to win or convenience however you like to lawyer your way

Because money has value and I would rather exchange time/effort for something than I would money? It depends on which you’re more willing to part with. Your money or your effort.

They just need to reduce mat costs :+1:

Being able to do it without money, does not change the fact that you can do it WITH money

Like I have not seen a single argument in this forum about how we CAN’T use real money to get wins.

Not. A. Single. Comment. Out of 530+ in this thread have given factual proof that you Cannot swipe your card to get gold.

It is a FACT(not an opinion) that you can use USD to buy gold through a Wow token. Someone send me proof that this is not the case, and then we can go from there

lets see would you value your time because instead of progging in mythic for months i can buy token and get ez CE and mount and gear funnel

same for pvp and m+


I’m seething that you’re not seething :stuck_out_tongue: