Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

What’s the prize for winning? I think people put way too much effort into this game which makes them lose sight of the main point of gaming, to have fun.

There’s not really a debate. You can buy the main currency.

You can do a lot with that currency. Anyone that denies this is on a copium machine. Wow went P2W with the token.

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Yes, which is weird, because he’s easily one of the biggest boostees out there.

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Yes, no denying that.

Disagree here. Asmongold may thinks he knows the community but he certainly does not. He knows his community. He knows his echo-chamber.

That’s fine by me. They didn’t receive anything special that I didn’t get. Not p2w.

P2W = I pay blizzard, blizzard gives me what I paid for.

How do I buy my 246 Blood-Spattered Scale from Blizzard?

because according to you buying a wow token to get gold for carries is not pay to win so why not go and try to get free carries and see how many replies you’ll get

If WoW is pay2win, why do I have to buy from a third party not associated with Blizzard?

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Nope, you can buy carries and boosts with it. That counts as P2W.

You could do a lot with the currency before the WoW token came around too

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I don’t want a free carry and that’s not answering my question.

If WoW is pay2win, why do I have to get my boost from a third party not associated with Blizzard?


That’s buying in game services from other players.

P2W requires me to buy directly from the company to receive my exact item, guaranteed, in 1 simple step.

How does buying a token do that? In 1 step

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Define “free” here. If “free” means that I never have to open my wallet, then yeah I can get plenty of “free” carries. Contrary to popular belief, there are indeed other ways to make gold other than buying a WoW token.

Because there exists 2 types of players in every P2W MMO:

The type who are “F2P” and do not purchase P2W features - aka boosts or carries such as my self, and prefer to raid and get said rewards with help.

And the whales who buy the wow token, and p2w to get stuff like gladiator seasonal mount and AOTC mount without ever actually touching the raid in progression.

It’s not that simple, P2W can come in many forms. Sometimes a wow token that acts as a medium between sellers and boosters and carries.

Blizzard gave you the gold to get what you pay for to boosters if you buy tokens

I see you are being clever trying to talk about no gear in shop when the whole argument was about buying tokens and getting free carries and winning by skipping everything in a matter of days

Let me know once you get free carries without opening your wallet for every season in Mythic raids, PvP and M+

I will also contact those kind souls and get myself free carries

That’s not winning. That’s just skipping.

Tell me how I buy my token, and I’m guaranteed my Scale from DoS.

And the problem is raid consumables are the most farming intensive it has ever been at any point in the game.

45 fish to be caught for a single feast.
6 herbs from very mixed zones to make 1 pre-pot. So potentially 4 herb picks to make 2 pots
Flasks again multiple zone large herb picks
Leggo systems have a 60-100k investment in vendor mats per single armor slot.

We need a bottom up reform of craftinf

That doesn’t answer my question.

If a token takes me straight to victory like you’re claiming, why do I have to entrust my gold, whether I bought it from a token or not, to a stranger that can steal it with no repercussions, instead of from Blizzard directly? Why can’t I buy it straight from them since WoW is pay2win?

I don’t want to trust some random dude, I want Blizzard to give me gear.

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Buying a token will get you gold without which no booster will help you in getting the following:

CE, AOTC, gear funnel, mount

Gladiator and mount

M+ mount, Portals

You’re trying too hard

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Yes. Because people were still doing it before the wow token but risking their account being perma banned for it.

And it enables people like me to play the game at all.

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