Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

If that’s what you think I said you should try rereading it.

I meant to say “it’s not that simple.” Buying a token does not put gear into my bags.

I never said that was hard to do. Why do you keep asking me weird, off-the-wall questions?

Why? Since I got the token from Blizzard why should have to contact a third party since WoW is pay2win?

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Carries are not p2w. Case reopened.

Because there is absolutely no way to guarantee I get exactly what I want.

How are you going to guarantee me my Scale from DoS? You cannot

Yes it is. The WoW token is P2W.

Alright lost ark isn’t p2w either then

nope not gonna re read it, why should I when you have nothing to say? you’re being carried by others did you buy tokens

good question, ask the boosters why they need gold to boost you instead of doing it for free

carries are pay to win when token is involved to get gold ez case closed

If WoW is pay2win, why do I have to rely on people in game?

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It always amazes me how much influence Asmongold has.

People are constantly parroting his talking points on here. Even his bad ones as seen in this thread.

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The WoW token is game time or in game currency. That is it.

I never said it was

Why? Why do I have to contact a third party if WoW is pay2win?

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When mythic SotFO opens in a few weeks where can I sign up to buy my CE title off the Blizz shop?


What are you winning with a carry?

Right? That hideous mount better be less than the standard $25.


He has a lot of influence and power. Plus he’s very smart at knowing the pulse of the playerbase

why don’t you ask boosters since wow is not pay to win, they’ll boost you for free right

raids: CE, AOTC, mount, gear funnel
Pvp: gladiator, mount
m+: mount, portals

EZ how do you feel about all your time invested into the season being achieved in a few days by someone who gets tokens

its pay to win with extra steps

Good question, usually, achievements and gear. Sometimes, easier admission to other groups (hide your logs though because 0 parses are a dead giveaway). Respect from other players trying to climb the ladder organically. Mounts like the KSM mount and AOTC mounts in the final patches.

The biggest reason to purchase carries, though, is the speed. You win the things mentioned above much more quickly from carries than you would organically, if you would get them at all.

Sure, a player could find friends, push their key from 0 up to 15, and time the 15 in whatever gear they’re wearing, but it’s much easier to buy a token, give a booster 100k, and get instant access to a 15 that you have to do no work to complete. And you’ll end up with a 252 in the vault, as well as a 15 key next week.

I suppose that’s true but if I’m honest, I’m more likely to resolve that dilemma by saying that buying gear isn’t P2W than I am by saying that carries are P2W.

For me the cincher of the definition is whether or not the content is being done to earn the reward. In the case of being carried, being dead on the floor while 19 other people kill a boss is still technically doing the content which makes you entitled to all the rewards therein. With BoEs on the AH, someone did the content but the person receiving the gear did not. That’s why I’m more comfortable calling it P2W. Personally, the way I would resolve that issue is by either not having BoE gear in the game at all or by putting a hard cap on how powerful BoE gear can be below the level of what raid gear is. Honestly though I think crafted gear serves the exact same purpose and would rather just have those fill the BoE slot.

You’re the one saying WoW is pay2win, why should I ask them anything?