Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Again, as a free player I am more than capable of doing all of those things.

The wow token is not p2w, nor is wow itself.

The only thing stopped ff14 and such from being p2w is they outright ban boosting. They could add a token to buy gold and you wouldn’t bat an eye even though it’d still be doing the same thing.

What do you know maybe you need to do some research

you have the option to pay blizzard and get gold

P2W is 1 simple step.

I buy, I receive.

Buy a token does not get me Cutting Edge and gear. It gets me a token. Buying a token is not p2w.

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What if I use gold from selling pets?

Does gold put gear into my bags? How does it get there?

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so you agree that while you are capable of doing those things, you admit there is an option that people can get what you work to achieve without putting in the work and time you do

basically an advantage

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And you keep referring to paying for convenience. Getting something 2x faster than me doesn’t mean you won. Just means you got it faster. If I get the same item and we’re both toting the same gear, and no one knows how either of us obtained it, how would they tell who got it legitimately and who “p2w”

That’s literally not an advantage.

And I know you understand that because you said basically lol.

You will never get rid of the ability for players to turn cash into carries. If you got rid of the WoW token, then players would still pay money in order to have other players run them through content. The only difference is that Blizzard wouldn’t make $5 off of it. If the WoW token makes an activity that was not previously P2W into an activity that is P2W, then that means that Blizzard making money off of a player transaction is central to the definition of P2W and that’s not something I agree with. I think that the definition of P2W should never involve any outside actors besides the player purchasing the win, and the company making the game. Carries introduces a third-party actor - the players actually beating the content.

Regardless of whatever methods you use to convince a player to invite you to a group, you still participated in the content and the boss still dies. As far as the game is concerned, you DID the content.

That there is the most faith i’ve seen one human put into another in a long time lol

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but you can only wear ONE… lol two in the next patch but thats two … with conditions .
and you can easily earn in game gold for one or two legendries.

The fact that you you’re trying to pick at straws to make a point is sad

You can literally buy gold and use it in the Auction house to buy 262 legendary.

You paid money. You won a 262 legendary.

“bUt iTs tHe fAnS tHat sEll iT iN tHe aCtiOn hOuSe”

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Another view is if the token was removed, would WoW still be argued it’s p2w?

Boosts will still exist.

TBC boosts and straight buying BiS items from GDKP runs exist.

I guess since the money doesn’t come from an approved place it makes it not p2w despite it still happening rampantly in the old game, and would continue in retail.

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yes you trade gold with boosters and they come to you with gear

are you saying you’re so lazy you cant even open trade with boosters?

You’re saying that someone buying a boost via tokens to skip the work you put in and the time you spent to get everything without doing anything is not an advantage

ok LOL


A simpler question is why do top tier raiding guilds need ever larger war chests each patch cycle?

Probably everyone has seen that Asmongold interview from in BFA we’re Limit and Method each took out 300 million gold loans.

How much gold does a 9.2 top tier raid guild need and how much boosting activity will come from it?

Do you know how long it takes to rank up legendary crafting?

Do you know how long it takes to get 40 Korthite Krystals?

Please answer those two questions. I genuinely want to know your answer

Then how does that make WoW pay2win and not the boosters? Blizzard refuses to give me gear for money.

Why are you asking me that? Makes no sense.

And I can do the exact same thing without buying a token.
See how there’s absolutely no advantage from one to the other?

Blizzard gives you the token to get gold instantly and pay the boosters

because you asked how it ends up in your bags