Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

I know Daybeak games Everquest 2 does … you should f2p them for a bit , its an eyeopener that will redefine your thoughts on how ‘pay to win’ WoW is … I played EQ2 for 15 years … and they finally crossed the p2w line for me 2 years ago…
I went to WoW … and found it absolutely refreshing in its LACK of pay to win .

Except I’m a free player and I could get the same upper hand.

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OK, I get you. I don’t necessarily agree with all of that, but I see what you’re saying here.

My perspective of the whole thing is… rather cynical because I’ve been forced to look at this all through very different lenses. I wasn’t enjoying SL at Launch, I got my AOTC for 9.0… and literally the moment I did, I logged out and never logged back in for almost a full year.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one. My entire guild was gone (90% of everyone just quitting the game, though we still play other games on Discord), and basically Alliance on that server was dead.

So I gave up, rolled Illidan Horde, and started over. New main, no support network, no friends.

And believe it or not, when you’re a returning player with nothing to offer anyone… it’s pretty hard to make friends in WoW. Because if you have nothing to offer, you need to find someone who’s willing to invest in you… and at this point, I kinda wonder if Blizzard has done too good a job of reducing people to ilvls and Mythic+ scores, all the while trying to give you reasons to buy WoW tokens.


yes blizzard is carrying you to get the way to buy carries

all you need to do is buy a token, they carry you to gold which can carry you to boosters

but you don’t get the same upper hand without investing time

And that is convenience. Two completely unrelated things.

I buy token. Token immediately goes into my bag.

Where is my option to pay $50 and receive Cutting Edge title and my full set of 250/252 gear in my bags.

I’m fine with the WoW token. I’ve come to terms with it, but don’t bash other games for having stuff in the store when you can buy almost anything in WoW with money

Pay2win doesn’t have a definition you can find in Websters, which is why there are over 400 replies in this thread.

There is obviously a disagreement on what it means.

Saving time is not P2W.

P2W is getting an advantage a free player cannot get even with time.

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yes it is .

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that not really pay to win. boosts arent offered by WoW (and for the most part are banned now) nice try tho.

Quite a few. You should broaden your horizons and play some other MMOs.

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the option to pay money and receive cutting edge is called the WoW token

buy and get gold and pay to get cutting edge

Blizzard makes money players make gold TOP KEK

Time doesn’t play into P2W though. So it’s irrelevant

You’re speaking on convenience again. Why do gas stations charge more for the same products your local grocery store has? Because you’re paying for the convenience of it being there and not having to make the trip to the store for same thing.

Time =/= p2w

You do not know what the definition of pay to win is. Please do some research.

Pay who?

How you guys dance around the fact that boosters are the pay2win party and not Blizzard is hilarious.

do you think boosters would make the same amount of money they were making if things could be easily farmed or achieved? lol

That’s exactly what it is.

You’re literally paying Blizzard for the wow token. Which also allow you to buy 262 legendries in the action house with no skill or effort.

Yes it does. Where are you getting this stuff. If there was a PvP game where people who paid money to gear twice as fast, they would be at an advantage to people that didn’t. You keep making up definitions

Ya but WoW doesnt do any of those things at all.

If Thanos snapped his fingers right now and the demand for boosts and ppl who provided it was gone…the P2W arguement dissolves…tons of gold but noone doing it so…

Someone has to actually run the content for someone else to be carried. Blizzard does NOT offer AOTC in the shop.

They dont offer any gear.

They offer character level boosts to current cap, mounts, transmog only sets, pets, mounts etc.

Thats really the end of that. Blizzard DOES offer an easy way to buy gold and I see clearly why some people feel it is. As someone else said whether intended or not, Blizzard in the form of the Token, has offered a plausible deniability option with the WoW token.

But if Thanos removes everyone…gold selling sites come back.

So now you buy those boosts and such again but with gold from a 3rd party.

So its the same issue. But is it not P2W because Blizzard doesnt offer the token?

If we went back to gold selling on 3rd party websites where players potentially get hacked and need their account recovered…

Is it STILL a P2W game? Or is it only P2W if the COMPANY THAT CREATES THE GAME offers those features?

Still need a player to run the content…

If the answer is yes…then I think you are wrong…if the answer is no…then clearly Blizzard needs to remove the Token all together…

Then what happens?

Also…pretty sure most ppl dont like P2W and noone is saying this is a GOOD thing for the game.