Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

considering this topic has over 400 replies, I’d say the answer is “yes”


In every single MMO you can buy currency for real money and you can use said currency to buy a boost.

Welcome to gaming in 2022.

how many of these mmos charge you a compulsory sub and ask you to buy a game and sell gold?

That’s not a universal truth. Guilds will funnel loot to whomever they want for whatever reason they want. If you find the right guild then yeah they will boost you for free. That’s not unheard of.

yea but they won’t boost you for free if you aren’t committed to them, they aren’t fools to randomly boost someone

No. No it doesn’t. It gets you gold.

What you do with that gold is up to you.

Again, I have bought aotc carries. I bought wod challenge mode carries. I even bought a m+15 carry.

And I did it with gold. That I earned. I did not spend any real money.

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Has nothing to do with what I said though.

I think you’re projecting. Different guilds work differently. They’re not all uniform.

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Totally off thread topic question

Is there anyone on the community council advocating to reform our crafting systems?

I feel since Legion our crafting systems and especially consumable crafting, have been made more farming intensive to less rewarding outcomes.

Take a look and MoP noodle carts for example, 25 fish caught plus halfhill farm veggies and you get 5 raid feasts. In SL you need to catch 45 fish and you get ONE single feast.

Bad farming intensive crafting is forcing people to boost to get the gold to buy rediculous consumables. Alchemy crafting is just as bad. Crafting consumables is an overlooked part of the WoW economy creating some of these problems.


Paying with gold gets you gear funnel carries.

From Blizzard?

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Repeat that.

And again.

One more time.

“paying with gold

Please point out where free players are not capable of having gold. Because that would be required for the game to be P2W.

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Aye, but buying a token does not directly relate to the gear going into my bag.

I buy a Token
Token sells for gold
gold does many things

P2W - I purchase, upon purchase items/services are rendered immediately.


I actually don’t know to be honest :sweat_smile:

Crafting isn’t a big part of the game for me, so I wouldn’t really feel comfortable making a thread about it, I feel like someone who is passionate about crafting would be better for that.

i have the option to buy a token which pays blizzard, get gold and pay for gear funnel carries yea there is a possibility that if i did not have the gold i get it by paying blizzard

you were the one who said

P2W requires getting an upper hand and advantage over free players by buying extra.

I can pay with wow token and get an upper hand over free players instantly

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Cuz people can’t understand 2+2.

P2W actually requires receiving something in game that another who doesn’t pay, cannot get otherwise.

Nothing in game operates that way. Everything in game can be achieved with nothing but access to the servers.

yes but the token makes it too easy to get gold so it offers a way to pay and skip everything

That doesn’t answer my question.

You said:

For WoW to be pay2win then it would have to be Blizzard carrying me or gear jumping into my bag.

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That’s not the definition of p2w.