Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Are there any pay and sub MMOs where you buy gold and boost?

Are there any where you can’t?

I do not know so I asked him a genuine question

SWTOR lets you boost your character to max level or close to max level and it doesn’t sell credits (gold) but it does let you sell every thing on the Cartel Market (shop) to other players.

So at least one that I know of. I don’t play any other mmos.


so it has the level boost and the auction house

You can buy boosts in every online multiplayer game that ever has and ever will exist. You’re adding in the “where you can buy gold” part on your own. My argument is that it’s not a significant enough difference to make one game P2W and another game not.

Pay to win doesn’t apply when there is no “win”.


but we are talking about a game where gold is the only legitimate way of boosting

so it’s a valid question to ask only about selling gold

I find these conversations get bogged down in “well whats your definition of pay-to-win”… which is kinda happening here.

Let me just ask you: Whatever the heck you call what Blizzard is doing… is it a good thing for the game or is it a bad thing?


No, I readily acknowledged the possibility. You can’t seem to accept that there is another possibility. You are clinging to the idea that there can be no boost except through the token.


Did I not agree that your possibility is correct a few posts back?

im not sure what you are accomplishing talking about this when I agreed with your post and you agreed with mine

Carry services conveniently charge dramatically more than anyone could reasonably be expected to generate in game. You think the type of people who hate +15s is going to grind the amount of gold huokan charged for 10 +15 runs per week are going to grind that naturally? It isn’t possible. Oh, but I can flip 1.5 mil a week so everyone should be able to. Oh, I have a good friend group who carries me for free, so everyone should be able to. It is cognitive dissonance, not an argument.

and there is that point as well … to “Win” means that there is a definitive goal to reach , an end and final measurement to find the 'ONE" … the one that made it .
World of Warcraft has no such moment no such goal. Its an on going moving goal almost ‘slice of life’ type of world game . there will never be a final winner … outside of the owner of blizzard games that is .

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Well… no. I can offer boosts for just about anything you can trade me in-game. I could even just give them away without expecting anything in return.

I think this is my favourite response in this thread so far lol. So true.


dont you have seasonal goals

Raids: CE and mount, aotc, gear

PvP: gladiator, mount

M+: the mount, portals

ok I agree with that depending on how you deal with it

but most people only boost with gold

sure … but those are as noted , are sliding or transient goals , once reached you then need to reset for further goals ie. game play . there is no ’ Game Over’ moment in WoW… by design .

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but reaching those goals basically means you’ve done everything for that season and you just start alt characters or rest until the next season comes up basically giving you an end

Paying to Win is paying the company to provide you with whatever it is that makes you win.

Paying another person in game for in game services is not pay to win. Otherwise buying a simple BoE for x-mog would be p2w. Playing the auction house is p2w.

None of that is p2w. It’s in game services for in game currency which is not a p2w model