Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

They just haven’t banned it outright yet.

I suspect boosting will eventually be a bannable offense. This is just the “first wave”. We’ve seen it go this way with other things before.

yes they will not ban it because it cannot be completely banned

they will make it hard so only the most hardcore boosters will remain doing it behind the scenes

you can only control it


… so getting banned for using real money has never been as bad as now when they’re using gold from tokens to buy boosts?



Not until they have an income replacement.

I doubt it. I think the best we could ever expect is a “don’t ask don’t tell” situation. To ban the act of boosting outright I think comes too close to Blizzard dictating who players are and are not allowed to run content with. I doubt Blizzard will ever make it directly against the rules for players to form groups with other players for whatever reason they want so long as both parties agree.

Yes buying tokens is basically blizzard approved version of rmt. You just pay them instead of the booster. And with blizzards approval u see even duelist Andy’s selling boosts


Don’t be confused, not everyone means the same thing when they say “P2W” so is Wow P2W Yep, and nope depending on who you ask :slight_smile:

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WoW is not Pay to Win for one simple reason.

No one wins at WoW.


I think in terms of wow pay to win means not wasting time in mythic for months and spending one day paying and getting the achievement plus gear plus mount

Pay to lose faster. :sunglasses:


It can be “bannable” even if people will still attempt to do it.

Kinda like multiboxing. They’re put HUGE restrictions on that and people still do it.

yes all they can do is control it…agree

You said it, but I don’t think you understand it. A player doesn’t have to buy a token in order to buy a boost. There doesn’t need to be a token of any sort associated with the purchase of a boost.

Again, I question your ability to use logic. You don’t win a debate by just repeating the same thing over and over (I know, pot, kettle, meh).


I’ve seen a few people in other threads use the phrase “Pay 4 Convenience” :laughing:

But that’s absurd. You realize that, right?

You’re saying there’s no difference between a game where you can only pay for carries via in-game gold earned in-game… and paying the company $1000 to get that currency immediately (of which they pocket $5 of every $20) and selling it for boosting services?

Is that your argument?

i don’t understand this post…

you talk about logic and you’re conveniently trying to discard the possibility of buying a token to boost

You’re back to this again. So you can’t even remember what you’re saying from post to post.

You said the token was the only way to “RMT” without getting banned.
I said that’s very hard to prove if you set this up using outside sources (like Discord and Paypal.)
Then you forgot what the conversation was about, as usual, so I had to do a quote pyramid for you.
Then you said people get banned for RMT all the time and asked what my point is.
Then I pointed out that if people always get banned for it then it wouldn’t have been going on for the past 17 years.
Then you said it got worse with the token.
Then I laughed at you and asked how banning for RMT got worse with the introduction of the token because that makes zero sense.
Then you started squawking about how WoW is pay2win again because you probably confused yourself, which is what I quoted above.


More or less. Boosting is going to happen regardless of whether or not Blizzard sells the token. You’re not paying Blizzard for a boost, you’re paying Blizzard for another player’s gold. I don’t see how boost being paid for with gold bought from tokens is meaningfully different from a boost being paid for by paying the carrier directly through a third party site in such a way that one method is P2W and the other method is not. And if they are both P2W, then I would say that every MMO is P2W and moreover, that there is no way for any MMO to ever not be P2W.

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I disagree, World of Warcraft is not purely pay to win . Paying other players to give you armor , paying other players to carry you through levels and dungeons, does not make the GAME pay to win ,it makes you willing to pay other players to LOOK like you win.
you can’t buy much from blizzard to advance in the game, they have the token which can only be sold to other players, and at a mere dollar + a level you can buy a bauble to put a character to level 50. blizzard, at least in the cash store does not sell armor (T don’t count transmog gear as it has no stats) experience potions, keys or other rewards.
World of Warcraft is not pay to win.

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I could see this being something similar to the multiboxing issue. Multiboxing used to be fine, as long as you weren’t using automation. Then it was okay as long as you weren’t using software to streamline the process. Then, finally, you couldn’t use hardware to facilitate multiboxing. Now, the only safe way to run multiple account simultaneously is to run them on separate computers.

Blizzard has already started taking steps to make boosting harder to do on an industrial scale.