Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

The token is the only way real money can be involved with boosting without getting permad

Well, he’s certainly had it tucked away somewhere.



I laughed WAY too hard at that.

Well played.


First you’re defending it because Blizzard isn’t handing you the gear directly… and now it sounds like you aren’t defending it, but saying: ‘its a loophole they haven’t fixed, what u gonna do?’

What the heck are you even talking about right now?

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It’s pretty hard to prove real money was involved if every thing is done over (for example) Discord and Paypal so I don’t know how you can make that claim.


Outright stated that their “service” existed before the token.

Claims they wouldn’t exist if not for the token.



Uhhh okay?

While all players are fighting against each other if it’s pay to win or not I can see blizzard laughing their way to the bank congratulating themselves for making it almost obvious but not too obvious…morally grey KEK

It’s fun when you let them go long enough, they literally own themselves.


Are you forgetting your words again?

I did a nice little quote pyramid for you.


I’m speaking about boosting for real money vs earned gold, sorry for not clearing that up

It’s not that it’s not a possibility, it’s that it’s not a necessity.


Because your mental gymnastics haven’t gotten you through the hoop of “players are offering a service not supported by Blizzard, and the token, while being USED in this manner was not exactly intended for this use. Blizzard does not support or condone this behavior, but they are going to turn a blind eye to it. FOR NOW”.

But is rmt outside of token bannable?
Do people get banned for it all the time?
What is ur point?

exactly it’s not a necessity but a possibility, I tried to explain that to him and he refused to even consider it and just called it dumb

How do you ensure every piece of gold you have accepted is legit?

If they always got banned for it, it wouldn’t have been so bad for the last 17 years.

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When I do boost cross server, they have to use a token to get me gold. So I can tell everytime it’s token gold or legit gold

Honestly, after the whole fiasco with gold boosting communities, yeah I agree.


Was not nearly as bad until wow token