Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

But I wouldn’t exist if not for blizzard allowing you to buy my services by paying blizzard themselves???

Can I get a boost without having to buy a token? If the answer is yes (and we all know it is) your statement is completely wrong. It’s also hilarious that you’re trying to call people morons when you literally prove your lack common sense with your own post.


These boosts exist but they’re not, how do I put it, not run by Blizzard, they’re not part of Blizzard’s game. They’re done by people outside the company, except of course by Mike Ybarra, but it can be claimed he’s selling runs on his own time.

Not saying WoW isn’t pay to win though. As long as max level BoEs exist it kinda is pay to win. They can be bought with gold in the AH and gold can be bought with real money by WoW Token. That is, sadly, pay to win.

Blizzard is making you boost people?


The player capable of playing at that level wouldn’t need the carry to begin with. That’s my issue with this argument. Gold carries in BFA and SL for m+ is ridiculously profitable and I never once had a carry do the dungeon with us. They’re not allowed passed the entrance. That’s the deal.

Just like your argument is “If I pay another player to play part of the game for me to get good stuff, that’s somehow P2W.”

I could make any game P2W if that were the case, just by handing over my keyboard and handing them money.

The game itself is not P2W if I’m paying another player to play it. That’s just me being lazy and giving someone money to do something I didn’t want to do myself.


Blizzard is holding a gun to your head making you defend this point that the game isn’t p2w when you can give $200 and get full bis?

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If you think boosting hasn’t been widespread since Vanilla you literally have had your head in the sand.


It is, but it doesn’t change the fact that a P2W functionality does exist in the game. As I’ve said several times here the simple fact is that if two people try to do X the one who spends is basically guaranteed to win. The caveat is if you’re in limit or echo or whatever you will win, and that population is very small. For all intents and purposes it’s not unfair to assume the person swiping will beat the bulk of the playerbase who don’t spend in accomplishing any one task.

People should stop looking at this conversation as simple yes or no and start asking how the systems are designed and if they promote P2W or not. The WoW token does promote P2W and therefore makes WoW closer to P2W rather than not.

To me this just doesn’t matter. The culture of WoW allows players to be used as the middle-man, but that doesn’t change the end result of the process.

Even if you ignore carries gold is still used for lots of stuff. Look at legendaries for example, or consumables, or unique/expensive vendor mounts, etc. If you’re fresh into WoW legendaries go for a relatively large amount lot of gold, especially on launch (unsure what they are worth currently), but a token or two will certainly fix this for you.

Yes you can grind your own gold, but the time versus cash aspect is another topic of P2W. Spend X on tokens and buy the long boi or spend Y time grinding gold. One person is done in a fraction of the time and can go on to other things whereas the latter is spinning his wheels grinding.


Lolol… yes you can but you can also spend real life money right?? Sooo ?? Haha

According to him your post will be stupid and dumb because according to him spending real money to get in-game gold is not a possibility or ingame gold converted to tokens

I never made the claim that I wouldn’t exist if someone didn’t call this game pay2win. You know I wouldn’t call other people’s points stupid when this is probably one of the dumbest things you’ve said so far. It doesn’t even make any sense.

You said you wouldn’t exist if they didn’t sell tokens. … why?


Yes, you would.

I don’t think you would poof out of existence (nor did you poof into existence) on the deletion or creation of a service.

Just because you saw an opportunity for yourself doesn’t mean the COMPANY is to blame, or that they are funding you in any way.

Your “service” could have existed without the token as well, and there were people who did exactly that before the token was even a thing.


Theoretically is would be banned for boosting

He’s trying to say because they sell him gold, that gold somehow equals boosting, not just buying tokens, or cosmetics, or the myriad of other things you can do with it.

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All that proves is you aren’t a very good booster. Getting glad and things like that cost a lot more back then as opposed to now.

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But it was bannable if real money was used, yeah?

I find it hard to argue with his point because one of blizzard’s head promotes boosting for gold

… what? Do you mean “Theoretically I would be banned for boosting?”

What does that have to do with the token? This is why I asked you if Blizzard is making you boost people. You could, you know, just not do it.


My argument is that carries aren’t P2W in any game no matter how the carry is paid for, whether it by internal game currency or by an external transaction. If we were to call those things P2W, then I think P2W becomes a meaningless descriptor since it would be incredibly difficult to find any online game that ISN’T P2W by that definition.

I think that’s a different discussion. So far I can much more easily buy the argument that leggos/BoEs on the AH is P2W since you can buy gold than I can the argument that carries make WoW P2W. I haven’t decided whether or not I think WoW is P2W yet. The only thing I’m sure on is that carries don’t make a game P2W regardless of how they’re paid for. Even if you pay for a carry with gold that you bought from Blizzard, you’re still doing the content even if you’re doing it badly.