Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

I dunno. I feel like engaging in the player-driven market doesn’t make the game P2W to me. I think you can make an indirect case for BoEs but not for carries. Players can carry bad players through hard content for any reason they want, whether that reason is because they’re friends or because they slipped them some benjis through a third-party online transaction.

As far as I’m concerned, until there’s an option to directly buy Mythic gear in the Blizzard shop, WoW isn’t P2W. That’s why I think BoEs toe the line much more than carries do.

But you can’t.

I would still have to sit in a Mythic raid, or a KSM carry, or an Arena session.

I can’t just “skip” any of that.

P2W is literally “hit this button and skip stuff”. Blizzard has that NOWHERE.


The part you’re ignoring and not addressing is YOU are the avenue, not Blizzard. I can keep buying tokens until I’m blue in the face but if I don’t find a player to give them to then nothing is going to happen.

For WoW to be pay2win, I would have to pay that money to Blizzard and get the service YOU are providing.


Yes, by me, in exchange for gold.

If I were trying to use gold to buy a token for game time, then that would require someone else to buy the token from Blizzard in order for me to buy it from that other player with my gold.

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You can spend as much money as want but you still have to do all the activities to actually complete something … plus the RPG factor makes it that you will need to do it multiple times to get everything you need .

Obviously LA is not the same . And you know it .

Getting boosted is not getting a win.


No, you have to sit afk for an hour or so while I get you full BIS gear. That’s pretty much skipping the 50+ hours it would normally take.

People that say tokens are not pay 2 win are morons. Not damn hard too understand it either.

Token = Gold
Gold = Carries and Much Much More.

Let’s ask a good damn question why is there alot of Carries for M+ , PvP and Raid ATM?

I’ll do the thinking for those that don’t have the braincells to understand.

Cause you can buy mother F Carries with tokens!!

Carries = Gear and Much Much More.

Money is power guys


PS: Those that defend the Token are the sellers or morons.

As soon as you show me the button that Blizzard made that says that’s what happens is.

Paying another player to play a game for me is not P2W, because it’s not supported or controlled by the company.

It’s player-run, not company-run.

That’s the distinction.


Since you have selective memory, and vision, I requoted it.

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yes that is correct, all i was telling him is that it is a possibility and he should not consider gold to be forever treated ingame gold without being converted to tokens

it leads to the whole concept of wow tokens being used to buy gold and can be used to buy boosting services to skip the queue thus relating it to the topic title that yes it is indirectly being a easy way to finishing and getting rewards

You are? You’re giving money to blizzard for a token, going into lfg, trading me the token for my service?

Unless Blizz is funneling you the gear your argument is blatantly false. Paying a third party, i.e. boosting, existed long before tokens which makes your entire premise silly to start, and only goes down from there.


No doubt everybody who every boosted to glad, ksm, or mythic raiding is exactly as you say. Once they bought a carry they were never able to learn anything in their lives.

Of course, the fact that you always told them to go die in a corner in every carry didn’t help them learn. But if they learned, they wouldn’t have been your paying customer anymore, would they?

And since a different carrier told us in the forums that the overwhelming majority of boosts they sell were to other boosters for their alts, I guess you had a pretty special clientele there.

Just so I’m clear, you’re going with: “It isn’t Pay-2-Win because you’re only paying Blizzard a fee to be a middle man and not paying them for the service directly?”

That’s your argument?

Same question to you.

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This is the part we were trying to get to all this time.


That’s what this is all about. YOU are providing a service. Not Blizzard. If anything, YOU are P2W, and not the game.

Thanks for clearing this up for us.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. Why are you switching to LFG? And tokens are BoP.


But it used to be a big no no and not that widespread, now it’s literally everywhere

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But that can happen with any relationship between two players. Two friends can do the same thing and that clearly would not be P2W. If two players exchange money to become “temporary friends” but no one is around to see it, is it P2W?

The part that gets me is that if I was an omnipotent being but my omnipotence only allowed me to see things that happen on Blizzard online services, then I couldn’t tell the difference between a bad player being carried because the booster genuinely want to help them, and a bad player being carried because they paid to be there. If WoW were P2W, I would expect to be able to perceive some sort of difference between the two.

How are they the middle man? Are they finding me the boosters?