Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Alright. Then prove it.

you won’t be doing the same content so the advantage isnt bad for the game

he understood what I said and agreed and I agree with what he says

you blindly called my post stupid when I said “blizzard profits no matter who pays for token”

Because it has no logical relevance to the topic. Which is why I questioned your familiarity with the concept of logic.


So I won’t go into old zones with my better gear and higher level? I’ll just stay in current content? How does that work?


Already did

It’s not, and that’s the whole point here.

We’ve been going back and forth with you about it for quite some time now.

It cannot be P2W if you can do it without Blizzard being involved (you can) and without the company supporting it and it being entirely player run (it is).




There is like 4 of you guys vs me and you guys are repeating the same points that are irrelevant, at least read each other’s points before jumping to make yourself look stupid again

There is purely because gold can be converted into tokens

Avoiding my question?


He got to play the game now instead of grinding for months like your good boy did.

No, Player A is learning to play at the same time as Player B, just with better players who can help him. The idea that once someone has bought a boost they will never learn anything again is bizarre. Player A probably has a lot of people on his friends list and is a competent player now.

Meanwhile, Player B is still stuck in the pug hades you want him to endlessly grind, playing with people who have no idea what they are doing and can’t teach each other. The longer he languishes there, the further he falls behind Player A.

If I have the gold in-game, it’s actually cheaper to to transfer it to your server than to buy a fresh supply on your server. And what of the players on your server? Can you prove they’re not farming their own gold in-game?


We are repeating them because they ARE relevant and you’re ignoring them.


If there is an avenue where you can pay $200 to skip over what every one else has to do and have a huge competitive advantage, it’s p2w.
Even If ur definition wants to avoid that.
Do you really want to live in a gaming world where paying money to get ahead of everyone else’s time is accepted?

But that token can only be redeemed by Blizzard, for game time or balance. It has nothing to do with tokens being bought from Blizzard for gold.

And at this point, I’m gonna have to let you go. I don’t have enough crayons with which to explain this to both of you.


I’ve carried plenty of players. Their job is to immediately die after tagging the boss or to sit at the entrance of the mythic plus dungeon until it’s finished.

OK you win.

Go ahead and explain to me how a process that begins with me handing Blizzard $1000 cash and ends with me having been funneled BiS gear is not Pay-to-Win.

Dazzle me with your brilliant insight and open my eyes to your truth.


Which one? Hard to keep up with all 4 of you

How do you think tokens are created lol

Blizzard creates the item ingame based on REAL MONEY being given to them

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