Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Because you can’t seem to grasp that one doesn’t have to buy a token to get gold.

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This is a special level of stupid… and that’s saying something given this thread so far.


Yup, RMT can be a form of p2w which is why it is banned and not supported by blizzard.

But I use money to buy my sub and expansions too.


Do you also disagree that people can convert gold into tokens?

But what did he win? He’ll have to pay for carries forever because Player A never learned how to play. It just doesn’t take very long to get gear by actually playing the game. Player A is more like the guy that bought the most expensive golf clubs available, but if you don’t know how to swing them, you’ve wasted your money.

So even though Blizzard has nothing to do with it and they forbid it, paying someone else outside the game makes their game pay2win?


Player A paid for the convenience to skip to the end. He’s still not “winning”. I mean how do you win something that doesn’t end?

P2W is obtaining something by other means (RMT) that cannot be obtained in game through normal game-play.

All that money spent by Player A to get to where he is, Player B can get there in time without spending a penny.

You don’t understand how the Blizzard store works do you? :rofl:


So I think a question I would be interested to see people’s responses to…

If we removed BoE items from the game (so you can’t buy raid-quality gear on the AH anymore) would WoW still be P2W? Does the ability for carries alone make it P2W? If that is the case, then does it matter whether a player pays for a carry by exchanging in-game gold (that they bought with a token), exchanging in-game gold (they made the hard way), or through a 3rd party transaction that Blizzard had no part in?

As fun as this thread has been, you’re never going to get an actual logical answer from him because it’s clear he simply doesn’t get it.


You’re paying for content, not an advantage over other players

Nope, I do not disagree. I can turn gold into a token that can be used for game time or Blizzard balance, neither of which can be given to another player for a boost.

Do you disagree that a player can buy a boost without having to buy a token?


No, you cannot, unless you work for Blizzard and have access to that system.


You weren’t at any time differentiating between farmed gold and bought gold.

Only here near this end did you finally make a distinction, and only AFTER several people called you out on it.

You also have NO way of knowing if someone has bought gold or farmed it, meaning your “service” could exist without the token and it STILL wouldn’t be P2W because BLIZZARD ISN’T THE ONE PROVIDING THE SERVICE, YOU ARE.

That’s the key. When players are providing the service and not the company it cannot be, BY DEFINITION, P2W. Period.


No you just don’t understand that real $ isn’t inside the game, and comes from an outside source

no i don’t disagree with what you said.

other poster called my post stupid for saying that which is why im asking him haha

But if I have an expac and another person doesn’t, isn’t that an advantage? I’ll be higher level and better geared?

And a token is just gold. Buying a token doesn’t make gear jump into your bag.


And you don’t understand this is still a service provided by players and not Blizzard, which makes it not P2W.


I agree with this but it’s irrelevant because it isn’t p2w in that instance. You’ve earned that currency inside the game. You aren’t earning anything with your wallet

You didn’t understand anything he just said to you…

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Nope, it’s all still legit (minus the 3rd party thing lol)

And tell me. What can my real money get me in game, that I cannot get by simply playing the game?