Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

Yes all the gold I get are from tokens and I can prove that

Please post your proof. We’re all waiting…

what about my post?

But it’s not because it’s about the end result, which is a boost.

If I can get a boost from gold, real money, playing the game or a hug, how can it be pay2win?


I mean, to me that sounds like an argument against WoW being P2W. Because you can win by… well winning. Mythic raiders don’t need to buy carries with gold or tokens because they just win without them. Buying gold doesn’t give you an advantage over those players. I think that buying BoE gear of the AH is probably the closest example of P2W since you can use that to directly turn cash into character power.

But carries are a service offered by players, not WoW. So carries should fall under a different bucket. Nothing stops players from grouping with who they want to so if they want to raid with dead weight because they paid them gold that sounds like a normal MMO community interaction to me. What would be the difference between someone who pays for a carry and someone who is a bad player but their guild is friendly (and skilled) enough to drag them through Mythic raids anyway. There’s no objective way to measure which members of a group “deserved” to get that win. So long as someone was present for a kill then as far as the game is concerned (and this is true for every MMO I know of) then as far as the game is concerned that was an earned win.


Your post is stupid because the entire thread is about boosting making WoW P2W. If you suddenly aren’t talking about boosting, no one in here knows what you’re talking about…


I sell boosts across every server. You can’t trade gold cross server.
They buy token on lvl 1 character, sell it on my server, trade me gold, get boosted.
You look dumb arguing a point you know nothing about

Convenience is not winning though. Like in WoW, you can get ahead for a little, but there’s always a ceiling. Skill, time, money. Doesn’t matter which one you have or what combo of all 3. Everyone can obtain the same things and end up at the same point.

That’s not paying to win. That’s simply paying for convenience.

What the Token “enables” a person to do…was happening long before the token was ever put in game. Try again


Maybe you should find a 5-year-old to explain the idiocy of your logic and why the gibberish you just posted isn’t proof.

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Okay, okay… wait…

So I pay you with farmed gold, it’s NOT pay to win, but if I pay you with token gold it is?

Since we’re drawing ridiculous distinctions, does it also matter how I got the $200 to buy the tokens? If it comes from my paycheck is that more legitimate than if it comes out of the money Grandma gave me for my birthday?


So then your post calling my post stupid when I said blizzard gets paid is also stupid by your logic.

lol by your logic your post is dumb

You should sit this out, no one knows what the heck you’re talking about.

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If we use that metric for our definition of P2W then every single MMO that ever existed or ever will exist is P2W. If the ability for players to request carries by paying a third-party service is P2W then how do you ever stop that without Blizzard being forced to rubber-stamp every group that players make? I have yet to see an MMO where there wasn’t SOMEONE willing to drag your butt through content you weren’t ready to do for the promise of some cash in an undisclosed paypal account.

What sort of experience do you have with logic?


That’s one way of defining it.

Player A and Player B start at the same time, no real difference between where they are when they reach max level. Player A has a lot of money and is willing to spend it. Player B either does not have that money or is not willing to spend it.

Player A spends that money and within a few hours he is playing end game. Months later Player B is still far behind Player A. He may not even catch up before the next gear reset.

Who won? Player A. He paid to win.


I told him blizzard gets paid no matter what if someone buys a token and he did not agree and called my post stupid lol

why should i listen to you

Issue being, it’s all inside the game. So…boosting, whether it be for items, gold, hugs, friendship, is not P2W


But that’s how boosting works …?

But what if I don’t pay Blizzard. What if I pay you directly. Does that still make WoW pay2win?

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Buying a token with real money isn’t inside the game