Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

How can pay2win be situational?

I pay you to win a bg with flowers.
I pay you to win a bg with a hug.
I pay you gold to win a bg.
I pay you gold from a token to win a bg.

The common denominator is you, not Blizzard. You are pay2win.


since you called my post stupid, care to respond?

Okay?? So how can pay2win be situational??

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Well, yeah… I mean you automagically win the argument as soon as you jam your fingers in your ears.


Blizz isn’t getting paid for boosting, so yes your post is stupid.


But if blizzard didn’t introduce the wow token, allowing you to spend real money for my p2w service’s, I wouldn’t be here. Which means to p2w from blizzard

I don’t have time or inclination. How much would you charge to scroll up for me?

Why do you only work for token gold? Why are you discriminating against legit gold?

It’s almost like… you are pay2win.


Boosting existed before tokens and you, maybe take your own advice and try again.

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Yes they are you bozo bahahaha. You don’t think they rake in the cash off all those WoW tokens?

When did i talk about boosting?

Legit gold isn’t pay to win so it’s irrelevant here.

P2W is when you can pay for things that you can’t get any other way. In WoW, you’re not really “winning” anything if you pay for carries. You’ll never be able to do the content absent the people carrying you. I’m not sure what you’ve won in that scenario.


Then paying with gold is NOT pay2win, by your previous definition.

Please pick a lane.


Paying with gold you bought with money is p2w.
Paying with gold u earned isn’t.
Is that so hard?

You said it was. Pick a lane.


Quote me where I said that?
Because I can quote 3 times I said the opposite

Unless the gold you’re getting is somehow marked that its “token” gold and said gold can only be used to buy a boost, your argument is dumb at best.


Everyone in this thread arguing the semantics of pay to win. The fact is 61% of blizzards profits were micro transactions. People are buying tokens for gold then using said gold to purchase power via carries. I think if the token wasn’t a factor, maybe people would be more forgiving. Swiping a credit card for instant gains is gross; basically if you’re some rich kid IRL you get to ride the game in the fast lane.

Whether it’s P2W or not is irrelevant. It’s effectively putting a gap of privilege into the game based on your IRL wealth. :face_vomiting:


I don’t think it’s possible to generalize like that. “Pay to win” is a term that everybody defines for themselves, like “casual”.

What are common pay to win mechanics you see in pay to win games?

  • Creating a long grind to access content that players can buy an item in the cash shop that will let them greatly shorten that grind or skip it altogether.
  • Selling currency that you can use to buy progression, with no cap on how much progression you can buy.

Yeah, wow does both of those. You can even spend real money on outside websites to buy more progression! There are no limits to how much progression you can buy!