Is there a way to see individual character progress of an achievement now that they are account wide?

I have multiple characters on multiple accounts, and now with the latest update, all of my character achievements read “Earned by your Warband”

There are only one or two of my numerous characters that have completed many of these achievements, and now I am unable to view or track the progress of my other characters in a given achievement because another one has finished it.

Is there a way to revert the achievement page back to “You haven’t completed this and can track what you need to do.” or am I now stuck with never knowing if my newly started character has done a zone or story because my main did it 20 years ago?

If this is the case, then explain to me why I should even have multiple characters, let alone more than one account.


Following. I’m doing every quest in every zone on an alt for funsies so I can just enjoy the story again and as of a couple days ago its a pain trying to figure out what i still need to complete. I hope they make a filter so I can see what this alt still needs to complete.


I’m suffering from this exact issue. It’s horrible. I’m currently trying to see which quests I have done on a character in the Barrens and I can’t.


I’m in the same boat. I go under my other characters and storylines that I’ve completed are completed under all characters. How do I keep track of the ones I haven’t done and have done under the character I’m playing?

Addon called Character Achievements does this.

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I don’t see that under Minion. Is there any other addon?

It doesn’t seem to work anymore.

If you filter by Unearned it takes out all Warband Achievements whether the current character has earned them or not

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Is there still no solution to this? Its fairly game breaking for a character-driven RPG. For that matter, account-wide reputation is too.


Long ago I took to creating my own spreadsheet page to track much of this as I figured some kind of bug would happen and screw it up. Never did I think that the bug would be intentional.

This is particularly important for the Legion class hall stuff! I finished it out on a toon years ago and can’t figure out where I’m at in the campaign quest lines or anything! The achievement is already marked as done, but the toon is still earning!


Sometimes you can go to current PTR and copy only the toon you want to view there with no other toons, and do not select to copy account data. It will usually copy only just that one toon. Then you can see. Addons for this no longer work and if PTR still does not work then the extreme way of doing it would be to make a new battlenet account unlinked from your current one and buy a toon transfer over to the new account and then all achieves, and pets and mounts will be linked to that toon and that toon only. Then when you move it back everything from your original battlenet will be restored to that toon.

That ability no longer exists. It was removed shortly before Warbands came into being.


Oh dang. .

Sadly Blizzard messed with the achievement tab to make them locked to warband which is annoying as guilds still show player individual achievement pts rather than the accts total. so its showing a false achievement score.

Currently see 3 different achievement point totals for my character…

Guild shows 12,860
Individual score shows 22,970
Account shows 28,485

They really need to just show total achievement pts from our acct on the achievement point column in guilds.


Yea this current dev team has really ruined a lot with the game. They had no reason to change the guild roster and they messed with PvP MMR so much that it caused most people to quit playing. And keep doing other stuff to the game too. My old guild I had, GM of it, she quit because she no longer is able to manage her guild the same she used to be able to with the new roster and after she quit, the guild died and they all stopped playing.

The guild founded in 2010 that once was guild capped, has almost 3k achieves and few dozen guild feats of strengths. One of my paladins has been in it since about year 2010.

And new guild roster also glitches to where it will show people as being online in the guild who are not even in the guild, it glitched to delete lots of stuff from the guild bank and most of the stuff still has not been restored. Logs show no removals, that stuff just glitched out of exitance.

Guild and changes, achievement changes I do not like, PvP changes, no arena teams has caused it so much easier to get boosted, so you are competing with booster now. No one who makes the game, plays the game…they wouldn’t make something that they do not enjoy. They are copying other MMOs now with these changes…so now people are leaving WoW and going over to those other MMOs.


Damn and i was wondering why the quest/exploring achievement doesnt pop up on my new alt… annoying change!

For me this is taking a LOT of fun out of leveling alts. I play Alts for the feeling of “starting new” with the game. Bummer, i feel so demotivated now.


This problem actually got worse with patch 11.0.7, unfortunately. Prior to this patch, when I was working on, for instance, Sojourner of The Ringing Deeps on my alts (I had already completed it on my main and it’s a Warband achievement), as I completed individual portions of the achievement, I would receive a brief popup telling me that I had completed, for instance, the Broken Tools storyline, or Fearbreaker, or whatever. I was able to use that to keep a rough checklist going and simply keep track of them as I went on each character. It wasn’t great, but it got the job done.

Tonight, I started working on Hallowfall. This is the first questing I’ve done since the patch dropped in December as I’ve been busy with other stuff in the game. I set up my checklist the way I had for The Ringing Deeps and as I started questing I noticed that things that felt like they were the end of questlines were not popping anything up after turning them in. Upon looking up the storyline chains on Wowhead and confirming that I definitely was completing things that should be alerting me, I checked all my addons and tweaked some settings and tried turning in quests that should trigger it without my addons loaded. I also got no notification then, either.

It was frustrating enough to not be able to track the achievement since it had been completed on one character, but the checklist was a workaround. Now, I’m even more annoyed. This takes extra time and requires a bit more mental effort to actually notice the title of the quest I’m completing. I like to quest on each of my alts, and complete the zones fully, and this just makes tracking things a hassle. I spent time looking up what the final quest in the chain for each storyline in the zone is and adding it to my checklist. I’ll have to do it that way, I guess. It’s the Sojourner storylines in particular that are the problem. I wish they had put more sincere thought into the way this works for people who quest like some of us do.

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I’m having slightly the same problem-

I have quite a number of characters, both Horde and Alliance.
The major problem I have is- my brain is a sieve. I do not remember which character I did the Horde War campaign on and now I’m just greeted with “Earned by your warband” whenever I hover over an achievement to try and figure out which character actually did the stuff.

Now I have to log onto at least 18 different toons, port to the zone just to figure out who the hekk it was that completed the stuff.
Can we please just have a little dropdown or something that tells us exactly who has done the achievements?


While this doesnt answer the OP question.
I feel its worth mentioning the addon
-Krowi(s) Achievement Filter-

It will show you all the achievements each character on your account has learned individually, and an account number for overall.
It has a variety of achievement filtering options.
It was my most favorite addon of Dragonflight and still into The War Within.

Much Quality of Life improvements.

*it also has timers for every major event in the game built into the addon that reminds you periodically.

“It will show you all the achievements each character on your account has learned individually, and an account number for overall.”

I’ve used this addon for quite a while, and unless I’ve missed some settings in this addon, it will not breakdown Warband-earned achievements (for instance, Sojourner of Hallowfall) in that way. I can filter by “Earned By” and only show achievements earned by a specific character, but it will still show the warband-wide achievements as having been earned with no breakdown of the achievement’s objectives on a per character basis.