Is there a way to see individual character progress of an achievement now that they are account wide?

I was referencing the number indicator at the top middle of the window pane. Right now on my dracthyr is says 31,900/49,800

This has become a total nightmare for completing Legion questlines for class mounts, which is already complicated enough knowing which quests are necessary to trigger the mount quests. Everything is now marked as complete under Breaching the Tomb regardless of whether the spec’s alt has done them. I just went through manually via Wowhead (to run the “True/False” check on each item) for my current Hunter alt to see what wasn’t completed. Not seeing a good way to simplify this now. I did install Krowi’s a few minutes ago, but Addyison is of course correct, it’s not helping with the Warband items that are still all flagged as completed.

You may able to use the addon AllTheThings. If you know the location of the quests you are after in ATT. Turning on DEBUG mode should remove any filters for the achievements associated with it.
While giving you a clear list what you have done.
(Right click the starting quest or achievement. Follow the info provided in the next window.)

This seems like probably the best alternative I’ve seen for at least just tracking the quests. While I do use this addon, I’ve used it more for other things and not for quests.

At least for Hallowfall, it did seem to have a dedicated entry for each quest chain in the achievement. I haven’t looked much beyond that but will test using that on the next character I take through that zone.

Running into this problem for the last time, had to take it to the forums. The dropdown idea would be a much welcomed addition.


As a follow-up, I finished testing using ATT. It tracked the quests I had done quite well, and I was pretty satisfied.

To track as I was going, I made a macro to open the mini-list, so that made the quest list fairly easily accessible.

While I still wish they hadn’t changed the way achievement progress is shown with Warbands, I find this ultimately is a pretty solid alternative. I didn’t even have to turn on DEBUG mode as a previous comment mentioned. It found the quests perfectly without that.