Is there a way to hide my game activity from friends?

babies in WOW you mean like gnomes?


This thread has been necro’d 4 times.

Please, just let it rest.


I wish there was regular single character friend as opposed to the know everything about you bnet friend.

One situation where this would come up is if you’re an GM or officer in a larger guild and you want to play on an alt and not get bothered.

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If your bnet friend is in Elwynn forest and suddenly logs off - they’re probably ugh still playing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m pretty social anxiety, so I prefer to be alone most of the time. But sometimes I wanna play with friends. When I wanna be alone, I just want to be invisible to my friends. Which I guess is part of why I’ve never really gotten involved with guilds and such in WoW (too much social pressure).


Calm down necromancer

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Necromancers being socially anxious makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

Why make friends when you can make friends?


you can always become his friend

this!!! i struggle with depression and anxiety - particularly social anxiety. i love playing with my guild and i have a few friends in it, but i can’t handle playing with people for more than a few hours a couple days a week. my brain just doesn’t deal well with it at all.

if i could just choose a character to be “public” to my friends, that would be great. because i do have hidden alts that i love playing when i need to de-stress. it’s a shame that blizzard hasn’t done something about this by now.


Lmao, this thread is a zombie.


2,000 years later…

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unfriend those you are worried about wth :slight_smile:


"Three People Can Keep A Secret If Two Of Them Are Dead"
– Benjamin Franklin

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Ben was a bit off the mark here. some secrets known by thousands of ppl take ~40 years to get out like MKultra :wink:


Yeah. They didn’t die fast enough. LOL!

I assume all quote attributions without a direct source are false, or, at best, “internet true”.

Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1735 ed.

(edit) You can actually find the pdf online if you would like to read it yourself.

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“That’s weird, I guess my BNet isnt working.”

Because in all honesty, it probably isn’t.

Which is totally believable btw, especially since we’ve had a lot of trouble with it lately!

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