Is there a way to deal with idiot DPS without getting blacklisted?

This is the forums good sir/madam.
Not a place where you can just start spewing good sense.

If you’re not wiping, then don’t waste your time or energy worry about it. Just enjoy the loot and exp.

If you are wiping, then boot those mo’fos and replace them with someone who knows what they’re doing.

You seemed so much more reasonable in the other thread.

This sounds like the kind of thing Iron IV ranked players in League of Legends say. “It’s impossible to get higher ranked! Everyone else is bad and is holding me back!”

We need time and practice to learn these tools before endgame.
It’s unrealistic to expect a tank to suddenly develop the entire skillset at 60.

I only start marking if people are splitting their DPS.
ie: The rogue is attacking something completely different from the other DPS.

I quit like 2 days in cata buds.

Leveling as a lock in affliction, means lots of dots.
I’ll usually wait until the 2nd sunder or a good 5 seconds for a tank to gain aggro. Full Dot up the skull, then an X if their is one, then provide to tab dot 1 by one any extra adds.
This is how locks play.
By the time I’m doting any extra mobs, the tanks already had 10-20+ seconds to grab at least a little aggro on all the targets.

I don’t go full ham on everything from the get go, it’s a gradual increase focused on the marked targets first.

I could dot up and focus the primary target down, but then that’s not mana efficient, which means more downtime, or I could slow/stop DPS after the first target, but that’s a huge DPS drop, and means more healing and a longer fight.

The tank should while focusing their attention on the primary and secondary target, be controlling the whole fight, distributing agro across all the mobs.

It’s the tanks job to hold all the mobs, not just one at a time.

Now with that said, sure I’ve seen stupid Pugs AoE everything from the start, and continue to do so.
But as a lock I know if I rain of fire, say with a VW out, I have 3 ticks b4 they come at me. So I use that to cut it continue DPS as appropriate.

A lot of mages I’ve seen run in at the start, freeze and a quick AoE before getting out. Now as a tank they are all massed around u, aggro pulled to the mage sure, but by the time the freeze breaks, the tank should be able to regain aggro, else they aren’t in proper spec or rotation.
Keep in mind, as a lock I won’t AoE under most situations, but when 2+aoe’ers are in a party, that freeze is a locks que yo start aoeing.

If you don’t like that, I have no issues not aoeing and I’m sure the mage is fine not aoeing too.
But as a tank who’s job is to control and direct the fight, you should politely ask them to slow/cut AoE because you are having a hard time keeping aggro.

If they listen good, if not, I wouldn’t boot them and tell and scream, maybe just whisper the healer and say “can’t hold aggro from mage, asked him to slow AoE, if they continue to do it let him die once or 2s”

A frost mage can always ice block and you can pull back aggro, so they may just be thinking they can handle the fight/damage, which they may … Or may not be able to do.

I made macros explaining exactly what the plan is.

  1. Focus marked target down with single target attacks. DO NOT ATTACK BEFORE I DO.
  2. I will generate rage/aggro during this time and will be cycling targets, don’t use ToT during this time, STAY ON THE MARKED TARGET.
  3. AOE all you want after the first mark is dead. I will still mark a new target if you want to attack it.
  4. I will LOS pull often, don’t attack early.
  5. Drag any unexpected PATS to me. And Mages, silence any caster PATS.
  6. Rogues, please don’t open with stun. It kills my rage generation.

I usually have to make sure to use my macro explanations twice.

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So I only mark when I know the pull requires kill order, and 95% of the time I only mark a skull and then maybe an x or moon if required.

I had a rouge yesterday that refused to do kill order- tanked his own creep on most of the mobs-
I mentioned something about him doing the kill order and taking out wards/totems when they pop.
He said that was stupid and he would lose dps from his chain attacks (totems and wards I assume) Also he still pulled his own creep from the pack to take on.
I didn’t want to rock the boat too much- and I could tell it was making the priest heal a little bit more than usual. But honestly we were still killing things, and made it through the instance with like a reasonable time period.
I could have made a bigger deal about it, but kinda just monitored the situation a little bit more closely - thrown in a stun on his target every now again.
Honestly at the end though, I felt like an enabler allowing someone else’s bad habits to flourish. A dirty slimy feeling that cannot easily be washed away with hand soap or disinfectant wipes.

All I hear is complains. Make group using /lookingforgroup to fit your needs for gear. Charge, Tclap, swap to Zerker, Zerker rage, and whirlwind, swap to defensive stance demo shout or cleave/revenge. If any mob pulls off taunt it and sunder/heroicstrike. Don’t complain. If somehow the mage blinks when u charge and spams arcane explosion then yes you can complain.

Right, if every DPS knows the kill order why do so many tanks not want to group with randoms?

DPS are a dime a dozen…it becomes pretty easy to deal with… follow this kill order or be kicked.

blacklists are kind of funny… no one has a way to track them in any kind of real time… you really going to go check everyone in your party against a blacklist?

I wouldn’t even know where to find one…

Oddly enough, the only warlock I’ve had a problem with was one that was specced for searing pain and kept spamming it.

“Oh yeah my ability has high threat lol”
They literally didn’t do anything other than spam searing pain.
No dots, no demon DPS, just searing pain.

I start by trying not to agree to tank for unknowns unless I’ve got the time and patience to put up with what PUG means.

Rarely do I have more than one person be that troublesome, so I focus on being the tank the other three deserve rather than trying to “teach” the one who won’t listen.

Long-term, I have lists.

One list is people I will happily tank for, all they have to do is ask. (I tell them that at the end of the run, encourage them to friend me and look me up if they need a tank.) If I’m putting a group together, I look for them.

The other list is people that I do not want to group with. I make notes on why, so some might get a second chance while others will never see me tank a group they’re in (or heal, for that matter, since I’m an altoholic).

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Depends whas it low level content and the DPS probably could have soloed some of it and they were helping?

So what? You are still showing your retail roots. Why do you have to speed run everything?

I’ve been playing since launch and I’m level 50, I’m clearly not speedrunning anything.

I understand what you’re saying, I’m saying your wrong.
My reaction to dungeonrunning is based on the people I’m running it with.
The vast majority of DPS classes are GOGOGO.
So it’s either pull tremendously fast only stopping when the healer is OOM or quit the group and find a different one, which is most likely going to have the same kind of players in it.

I’m pretty much stuck between quitting PuGs and just running with guildies, or grinning and baring the DPS who don’t understand anything other than GOGOGO.

As an aside:
I don’t even know why I’m replying to you.
You’re not even a classic character.

If you can’t adapt, reroll or quit.

There’s plenty of ways to deal with the DPS going ham from the start from simply just controlling instead of tanking IE; if you can’t hold threat just prevent people from dying by taunting when they get low, concussive blow, etc or level engineering for increased threat so you have initial threat on pulls via cheap solid dynamite.

If you’re the only one that wants slow methodical dungeon runs but everyone else wants fast ones are they really the problem or are you, has the game left you in the dust in terms of how far people have improved when it comes to classic gameplay?

I myself prefer when the dps blow everything up as quickly as possible, the last thing I want is to be in any dungeon for longer then an hour.

Why does that matter? Oh… you are one of those “post your main” types. Hate break it to you, what ever character you post on has no relevance to the discussion.

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