Is there a way to deal with idiot DPS without getting blacklisted?

You forgot the third option:
Stop pugging.

On my warrior, if I’m looking to tank, I like to start my own group and outright state that I’m looking for players not in a rush. Those who want GOGOGO won’t ask me to tank, and I wind up with some amazingly chill people.

It’s a choice to post on characters that people are known as on the forums or post on Classic characters that no one knows. (Before you try the same bash because I’m on this gal, realize that I’ve already replied once in this thread on my Classic warrior. This is my forum main, and even unplayed for years she will always be my Retail main.)

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It matters because when someone says something negative about classic/about someone in a thread they’re almost always hiding behind a retail character, or some no-lifer who’s already clearing MC.

Someone who might be trolling and some elitist nerd who doesn’t have a job/life outside of gaming.

What it really sounds like is that you just want to complain about DPS DPS’ing.

If you pug anyone:

  1. You’re not going to have a perfect group.

  2. You’re going to have people that want to GOGOGO. but you said you can and implied you want to chain pull, so that’s you too. So what’s the problem?

  3. Let them keep aggro and die if you are so against high dps and they pull a mob. Regardless the threat you generate, no one’s going to wait an exorbitant amount of time to go, so if you’re AoEing, someone’s going to pull aggro.

  4. Even though you said you can and will chain pull if possible, you said you also get upset at marks not being followed. Explain the mark system at the outset of the dungeon, if it’s your group. If it’s not, you’re stuck with their options or quitting the group.

The reality is things change and tanks need to adapt. That’s not saying it’s never DPS fault, because it most certainly is, many times. But the tank also bears some responsibility when they refuse to adapt to not just the composition of the group, but the wants of the group (i.e. AoE pulling) and the competency of the group.

Why, I even ran a DM on my paladin last night, garbage DPS pulling everything and everywhere. Tank did not complain once, just asked us to keep the mobs close to each other so he can taunt if we have any issues. Dungeon was completed with zero deaths.


I’ve been playing WoW for almost 15 years and I’m a grumpy d*ck. I have never once worried about being blacklisted. You’re overthinking it. If you never make anyone mad, you’re probably not doing much of anything.

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Cheers! I’d characterize myself the same way.

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If you want something done right, call a curmudgeon.

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I was fresh off of a “bad run” when I created this thread, as I stated a few times(I don’t blame you for not reading the whole thread, it’s pretty long) I may have overstated the problem slightly.

That’s pretty much a given.
I’ve yet to have a “perfect” group while pugging.
My favourite was running SFK with 3 mages and a priest.

I don’t want to chain pull, I can because I adapted to the AoE/Cleave meta.

I’ve tried that, the mobs are so weak that they don’t die and then they get salty that I didn’t immediately taunt/mocking blow the mob off of them.

I can count on one hand how many groups I’ve left.

The problem is that even if someone in the group is obviously new/bad at the game, they generally don’t listen when you tell them what they’re doing wrong no matter how nicely you say it.
I’ve been told to “Shut up and pull” almost every time.

I’ve tried doing that, but asking pugs to do anything is like herding cats.

Sorry about your experience man, that does suck. And I’ll admit, no I didn’t read the entire thread, I was responding to your OP and a couple of bottom posts.

I don’t think being told to “shut up and pull” is an effective solution, ever.

Seems to me the issue is what your idea of the ideal tank is vs what groups want to do. I could be wrong though. I’ve found the best solution is probably to find a guild that does runs in your level range, then you can get used to dps’ers in that guild and they can get used to your tanking style.

PuGs, I’ve found, are always all over the place, from the slowest lowest groups killing one mob at a time and slowly going, to fast AoE groups getting things done instantly, and anywhere in between. Especially full pug groups. If you have like 2-3 guildies with you, it generally makes things a little easier :slight_smile: