Is there a thing as 2 much haste for UH?

This is a alt, so I am not super educated about the spec atm. I keep finding good expedient pieces and a lot of haste…so is 35% to much?

I was thinking about even stacking higher but someone in a mythic said I had to much. Any input would be great ty.

My UH sorry 10 chars

It depends on what kind of content you’re doing but generally no there is no haste cap for unholy

Mythics mostly, but I do dabble in raids and pvp as well.

Then it is only capped by how much versatility you want instead of haste.

Yeah, I think at some point you hit a breakpoint where getting 2 major haste buffs will blow past the haste hardcap. I think I’m there right now with 38% buffed before pull. I really just don’t get that much faster than when I get a Unholy Frenzy, Vita Shard proc, or Heroism/Bloodlust. If I get 1, I still get a lot faster, but if I have two of those effects up, I feel heavy deminishing returns.

IDK the exact math behind it though. Haste is still simming as my best stat, so the extra haste when you’re not overcapping is apparently worth more than my other stats, even with deminishing returns, but I assume that my haste value will drop hard if I put on much more of it.

Mythics would be better to stack Mastery. I run at 34% haste and 84% Mastery… AOE are funny :slight_smile:

Isn’t there a cap? When the haste just starts working on your auto attacks and nothing else after said cap?

Right now I am at 35% haste unbuffed. I was worried I hit some kind of soft cap or something…so not sure.

Am at about 40% unbuffed, probably average about 50-60% over a dungeon.

It only seems to be gaining in value the more I get, in every sim I run. I’ve seen some people at base 45-50% and it still seems the same for them.

What i’m really not looking forward to is going from 50% haste to 10% haste in Shadowlands. They really need to sort this problem, as nothing effects how many classes feel more than this haste rubberbanding from start of expansions till the end. It doesn’t just affect your outputs like other stats, it affects the very core of how it feels, and i’m over being reset yet again.


I’ve been saying it for months, makes diseases scale with haste!

At around 35% haste, haste becomes my worst stat but I have a severe and a masterful corruption too. You need to just sim yourself. I would stack more mastery for m+

This is an incredibly interesting question. The answer is because of our rune regeneration system, and UH relying on much of our dps coming directly from how many and how often we can spend runes, haste tends to be overvalued by sims in patchwerk style fights that are simmed for durations that are longer than say a normal mythic+ boss encounter.

The one stat that seems to be overlooked, and never reaches a “hard cap” is our Rune Speed. The rate at which a rune goes from empty the moment is spent, to the moment when it is ready to be used again. At 44% haste unbuffed, my Rune Speed is 6.95 seconds. The problem lies in my ability to spend runes vs. the rate they regenerate. The more haste I have, the faster my runes regenerate, and the more runes I have over the course of an encounter. The longer the encounter, the more runes I have to spend, and the more damage I’m able to put out. Sims are mathematical in nature and will assume a mostly perfect rotation unless you modify your rune speed manually to adjust for mechanics and your real ability to spend runes.

Bottom line is, because of the way Rune Speed works in terms of how many runes we have to spend due to their rate of regeneration, there is no technical hard cap for haste until you get to the point where you are regenerating more runes than you can spend. That said, because of the nature of sims I believe that haste is also being overvalued due to false assumptions made about the ability for people to maximize their expenditure of additional runes provided by haste over the course of a long encounter vs. the effect of other stats.


That’s all fine and dandy, but there are zero situations where we can not spend runes as fast as they are regenerating.

I average somewhere between 50-60% haste in combat, unbuffed. Even during heroism and unholy frenzy, if I play correctly, I don’t struggle to spend runes faster than they’re regenerating.

Sometimes i’ll overcap on runic power slightly - that’s about the extent of it. I’m never anywhere close to not being able to spend runes quickly enough, even at over 100% haste.

It’s also worth noting that the only reason we occasionally overcap on runic power is not even due to runes recharging too quickly. It’s due to not wanting to waste festering wounds on the target. It’s sometimes optimal to scourge strike, even when capped on runic power, to avoid wasting wounds. At such high haste values, and with CD’s active, we’re generating a lot of wounds that we want to scourge strike spam to stop any being wasted if the target already has 6.

The idea is ridiculous that we might regenerate runes too fast, to be honest. Push your buttons faster is all i’ve got to say. It takes 1 second (roughly) to spend a rune, and even at huge haste values of well over 100%, it takes much longer than that to recharge one.

In all the sims i’ve run, on numerous different UH players, mastery only outweighs haste on veey large pulls if you’re gearing correctly. For m+, stack haste/mastery and haste corruptions. Eventually you’ll want a mastery proc corrupt too, but on most reasonable pulls and obviously on bosses, haste is still the clear winner.

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My stats are as follows unbuffed:

Crit 20%
Haste 35%
Mastery 51%
Vers 6% ( I know I need more )

I was talking about forced downtime - boss immunities, intermissions, etc.

No need to get your panties in a bunch. Haste is still clearly the winner, unless you are going for straight AOE damage.

Boss immunities, running pools of bad out, avoiding mechanics that cause you to be out of range from the boss for a period of time. There are tons of situations in which we cannot spend runes as fast as they are regenerating. Sims often don’t take that into account.

26% is not 50-60% haste unbuffed. Unless you’re talking about procs from trinkets/azerite etc., in which case I’m at well over 80% and you must die a lot from boss mechanics.

Boss mechanics.

This is assuming you’re in range and not performing specific boss mechanics that cause you to be out of range, and able to have 100% uptime for the entire duration of an encounter.

I was never arguing that haste wasn’t the clear winner. I was simply pointing out there isn’t a single fight in Nya’lotha where you have 100% uptime on a boss. There is always movement and mechanics that must be taken into account that cause a player to regenerate runes faster than they can be spent. If this isn’t taken into account in a sim, the value of haste will be inflated.

Haste is still king for single target, and is almost as valuable for AOE as mastery. I was simply pointing out the limitations of sims and why haste might be overvalued - slightly.

I thought it was obvious that I consider haste to be the best stat, considering I myself am sitting at 44% with no trinket procs or azerite. Straight unbuffed.

This might come as a shock, but if you’re not hitting the boss, guess what? No stats have any value. Forced to assume that’s the sort of dribble you’re trying to argue at this point.

Not only that, those scenarios likely value haste even higher if played well, since it lowers your GCD and increases recharge rates. So while you’re doing whatever you are, you have more resources when you come back and can more quickly dump your damage down when you do have uptime.

On top of all of that, looking at your profile, you’re likely the type of player that doesn’t make sure you’re at high RP so that you can fire off 2 or even 3 deathcoils (if lucky with proc timing) while you’re at range. As well as timing when you need to re-apply outbreak. That may only be 3-4 globals, but it makes a big difference if you “can’t hit the boss for 7 seconds oh noes”.

Looking at my profile? Okay no mythic kills, 2 H Nzoth kills. You’re one to talk.

Let me break it down so a mongoloid can understand:

Haste is the best stat because there is no cap on Rune Speed, and it would take more haste than any player could achieve to make the Rune Speed stat the same as the player’s GCD.

You’re too stupid to realize I’m saying the same thing as you. All I said was there are times during boss encounters when runes regenerate faster than they can be used. This can cause certain default sims to over inflate the value of haste.

Now go back to eating crayons, and don’t forget your foam helmet next time.

This is a argument over literally nothing…

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