If OP is looking for something more casual, slower paced, and is just getting used to melee, I would avoid DH at all costs. Way too much going on for someone who isn’t comfortable with melee in the first place.
just auto attack
Important to note that those 2 second downtimes don’t mean 2 seconds of barely doing damage. Assassination is all about DoTs, so while you’re waiting for energy those DoTs are still ticking down.
Haste also makes your dots tick faster. Which is why unholy and arms favor haste
if you want to do suboptimal dps then any class can be slow paced
When someones asking about learning a slower melee spec, i dont think optimal dps is a concern quite yet.
Arms warrior is the slowest to me, still fun though. Go Colossus and be 5% bigger than everyone else. Good times.
Monk has a low APM. The rotation can be complex, but with channels like fist of fury it’s definitely easier on the tendons. I find feral to be relatively slow as well.
Guardian druid.
Arms warrior is the slowest and likely least APM melee
That said, melee in general are not slow specs and depending on if you do hard content (mid to high tier keys) or not (raid content and especially queue content) you also have to play chase the tank and extreme dodgeball…but casters have to do that too so it’s kinda pick your poison.
Opposite actually. If you check SimC, Templar Prot Pally actually has the highest APM of all melee classes.
TIL that I am playing a lot of specs wrong. I guess I have no chill? X]
I am pressing buttons like a mad man with WW. Punch the thing, kick the thing, punch it again, now whirl, more punch… Stop lighting up buttons!
My Arms is only 63 and he feels slow as molasses when compared to fury.
Feral has energy issues— might be me and my caffeinated blood though— and that keeps me from playing it like its a fuzzy assassin.
Frost also seems slow and thats weird for a dual-wielding spec. Inevitable death. Ah yes.
I say try Arms, Feral, or Frost.
Per this thread, the slowest melee to play is:
- Unholy DK
- Frost DK
- Assassin Rogue
- Feral Druid
- Boomkin but only melee
- Survival Hunter
- Any Hunter because they can all melee
- Not Enhancement Shaman
- Arms Warrior but don’t even think about Fury
- Windwaker 2
- Demon Haunter
- Melee Destro Warlock
- Ret Paladin but only if you’re tanking
What am I missing?
Just check SimC APM numbers. Bottom five APM for melee are Sin Rogue, WW Monk, Feral Druid, Ret Pally, Frost DK.
Prot Pally is actually the highest. Don’t forget that our spender, Shield of the Righteous, is an OGCD.
You can make your own ,play a ret paladin or arms warrior and avoid haste
Good luck waiting for CDs and rage
Don’t no, only play range : )
Like the guild name though
/Power Word Funk
Kleeer - Tonight’s The Night (Good Time) (Joey Negro Tonight It’s Partytime Mix)
Try outlaw its pretty slow
Fury warrior is slow guys trust me
Something is telling me not to trust this information
It’s fast at the start, but once you use up your chi and you become energy starved then it feels atrociously slow if whatever you’re fighting isn’t dead yet because you have to wait 2-3 seconds between Jabs to get any Chi to do anything else.
But then every Energy class is like that, Rogue, Feral… a burst of APM at the beginning when you have full energy but if whatever you’re fighting lasts longer than 20-30 seconds then you get into energy starvation and you’re waiting on energy to do anything.