Is there a melee with a slower pace than most?
I’ve been playing since BC and I only play casters. However I’ve been trying to get into melee and my brain just can’t handle the high APM of some specs.
So I’m trying to find one that’s a little slower and might be a better starting point for someone who’s used to casters.
Any recommendations? I’ve heard arms warrior is a bit slower but idk anything about melee so I’m kinda lost here
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Feral is designed to be slower after the energy changes.
Enhance shaman i barely feel like its melee its so caster heavy. Which is a good thing but definitely not like the others. Ww monk is good because you don’t have to make a lot of hits. Just a few very high powered ones.
Anything energy or focus based is slow + I think Arms war.
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Assassin, WW, survival, and frost all have fairly low APM for melee.
I find frost dk a little slow but arms is probably more renowned
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I’d have to say Arms Warrior. It’s probably the slowest melee in the game.
I would say monk its a very chill rotation
Arms is for sure the defacto slow paced melee. Its meant to be methodical and calculated, fewer APM, more rage management.
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Monk rogue and feral all have 1 second gcd from being energy users.
Fury and arms warriors both want haste.
Not sure about ret but historically they want haste.
Unholy also wants haste.
Imo, the slowest melee is frost because they love crit+mastery. If you play the breath build then during your breath spell you want to generate as much runic power as possible and that pressure can make the combat seem fast. However there is a no breath build that is all just slamming oblits.
I’m not sure why people are saying arms warrior. Arms warrior is probably the melee spec that wants haste the most.
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Because wanting haste =/= fast paced spec
OP is talking about APM, not stat priority
You find Windwalker Monk slow paced?
Man, I must be playing it wrong…
I’m with you. There are times when it’s slow, and times when it’s very not slow. So if someone is looking for a slow paced spec, I wouldn’t recommend it.
someones not played outlaw
Yeah no, it’s not slow paced. WW is constant APM. It’s not anywhere near as bad as Outlaw but that’s the worst of the worst.
The only slow paced melee in the game currently is Ret Paladin. It’s one static rotation with little to no variation. Every other melee class/spec has either constant APM or carpal tunnel inducing button throughput (Cough Outlaw cough).
Arms warrior is pretty slow. It’s the only one that I can think of that fits that description, so it’s probably your best bet. Every other melee is pretty fast paced.
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Sin, feral, ww, fdk, and even sv all have lower apm than arms. Not sure why so many people get this wrong when it takes about 10 seconds to Google.
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Ret wants Mastery, then Crit (with Templar).
Comparing Frost DK and Ret, both have similar APMs and are among the lowest APM for melee, beaten only by WW, Sin, and Feral.
Assassination is pretty slow relative to other specs in the game. You’re literally gonna hit moments of 2 second downtime waiting on energy regen.
The only time it’s fast and exciting to play is when you’re hitting Deathstalker’s Mark resets on AoE trash which won’t generally happen in raid.
Last time I played monk it was pretty slowed down.
You have to make combos and some of the spells are cast so to speak.
But it’s been FOREVER since I even attempted monk lol