Someone said assassin rogue and I agree, it’s only an alt but I constantly feel like I’m pooling energy for periods of time.
Ret paladin also had some empty globals for me so those are two specs to try
Someone said assassin rogue and I agree, it’s only an alt but I constantly feel like I’m pooling energy for periods of time.
Ret paladin also had some empty globals for me so those are two specs to try
All this talk and no one mentions dh?
Dh literally has a talent that turns your main builder into auto-attacks. Very few other abilities - and they all have cds.
So essentially you gain more builder (hate I think?) overall from auto attacks and damage done but are freed from the high apm styles of warrior/rogue.
Most everything everyone listed is still high APM. Very weird. Feral has a ton of required binds and abilities in rotation in comparison.
I’ll also mention I hate this as someone who likes higher apm as it’s more fun to me personally to always have a key I can be spamming.
Frost DK or arms warrior would probably be your best bet imo
They are pretty slow paced
You might give Protection Paladin a try. Our rotation isn’t super fast, and you’ve got enough toughness to survive the learning curve without too much trouble.
The only down side is that your rotation sounds like a body and fender shop the morning after a demolition derby. But you get used to that.
Ret pally? Maybe it just seems slower because I mostly play fury warrior.
Haste lowers the global cooldown(gcd) and because you want to use every gcd you can haste increases the actions per minute required.
Feral has even less energy at its disposal than sin, so feral is also a good option for the same reason.
While this is true, your response is incomplete. Not all specs are filling every possible GCD slot with an ability; some specs don’t even have the resources to be able to fill every GCD even if they wanted. And then there are also some off-GCD abilities that can play a factor, as well.
For the specs where they always want to fill a GCD and there aren’t off-GCD considerations, then yes, whichever has less haste will be the slower spec. But there is simply too much variance in how different specs prioritize using their abilities and how many resources they have at their disposal for the answer to simply be to look at where haste falls in the stat priority.
Good suggestion here
Arms’ APM is almost the same as Fury’s. Its not slow at all.
Assassination rogue has always been the premier slow melee. It’s got built in downtime because it’s about pooling resources.
According to simulation craft the lowest apm melee classes are Assassination Rogue, Survival Hunter, Feral Druid, and WW Monk
Well it isn’t lmao
Arms warrior and survival hunter would be my picks. I find survival generally slower and you haveore or less a steady rotation. Easy to play.
Arms will get a lot faster the more gear you have.
Still laughing at the person saying enhance is slow paced lel. Might as well could have said outlaw.
Fearl Druid is pretty much the slowest mele in the game. It’s so slow in fact that it is exactly why my feral Druid is retired and I now play my rogue instead. Assassination is the exact opposite it’s very fast and does damage extremely quickly.
Alternatively if you wanted to be in plate you could also consider an Arms Warrior. Their play style feels very Slow but heavy hitting.
If you are looking for slow with a good survivability and excellent damage I would highly recommend Arms Warrior. Think of as an arms Warrior as Juggernaut from Marvel Comics. Big slow and Bulky but hits like a Truck!
Feral is 100% the spec you are looking for. Slow energy regen so you can’t really go fast even if you wanted to. Feral is a fun spec though, so I may be biased there.
I was thinking the same thing. People who think Arms is slow haven’t played it in a while, I guess. Buttons are constantly lighting up when I play Arms.
IMO Fury is what you’re looking for. Idk if it’s the slowest in terms of APM. But its rotation is very simplistic and easy to master. Very little WA tracking required at all. Your CDs can pretty much automate your AoE damage.
Arms has a lot more variance in its play. Idk why so many are saying it’s the slowest.
OLD arms was really slow hard hit melee, now is just a bleed specc.
arms warrior is slower but there is also a lot of clunky setup and plate spinning to its gameplay with stacking the mortal strike multipliers from overpower or execute, lining that up with warbreaker, multiple bleeds to apply and then a bleed enhancing cooldown to combo with them in thunderous roar. it is slow and chunky gameplay but it has like 3x the buttons and effects of fury.
feral is another one that has been slowed down, but it is generally balanced around blood talons which requires you to jam out 3 different generators back to back without a GCD between them to get a buff. ferals gameplay revolves around snapshotting bleeds, which can be cumbersome to wrap your head around, you need to build up your buffs before applying the bleeds, then the bleeds get the buff benefit for their full duration. blood talons can be made significantly easier to get with a castsequence macro though if you want to free up keybinds
windwalker is a spec that, i wouldnt call slow, but it has a very steady rhythm to it. its almost like a metronome in how it just bounces from one skill to the next every gcd, i’ve found it to be quite comfortable, and it has frequent periods of rest with fists of fury and whirling dragon punch where you can pause for a few seconds and the class plays itself.
and lastly, unholy death knight is just a very simple strike, death coil, strike, death coil spec. it has a very full 45 sec and 1.5 min CD window, but aside from that the whole spec is like 3 buttons with no off gcd abilities and only a single proc
you get infinite fury essentially during your VR windows which is every 20 seconds and in your demonic windows which are every 40 to 2 minutes. So you’re spamming chaos strike/blade dance outside of meta windows, there’s only some occasions where you get bad chaos blades RNG and you’re sitting not casting anything between VR windows
Can do the non movement build which is fairly straight forward and slow paced