Is there a reason for casuals to really play anymore

… The reason WoD was bad was because they gave up on it really early on.

LFR not giving tier played a very, very minimal role

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It really was. I jumped into Kara pre-nerf on my Paladin in blues and 0 experience because a random guild needed a healer and gave me a chance. Ended up main healing for them through all of Kara. Also ended up doing Ulduar25 ( HMs - including pre-nerf Mim ) and ToGC25 on my boomkin with damn near no experience because they did an alt run and were impressed.

The times have changed, people aren’t as community oriented and are definitely more ‘me me me’ and ‘go go go’.

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Yeah, gear and stuff comes by easy.

I played casual for the better part of last year. Crucible, Worldvein and memory of lucid dreams.

This patch is nicer since emissary gives 445 gear and guaranteed corruption from each weekly chest/vision.

Was playing casual until I didn’t a month ago :stuck_out_tongue:

I so agree with this… specially on my alts who I’m just leveling to experience story.
THIS would be such a god send… (IMO)

With the reduced time i have in this game theres pretty much nothing left to do but wq’s and look at my toons’ transmog on the login screen.


“Ever since the last expansion the game has become more time consuming.”

Bro just uninstall please

Casual means less playing time. How much less playing time does a Casual player have?

How much Mythic+ I need per week? 2 to 5 complete runs is like 1 hour to 3 hours per week.

How much Raid Boss kill I need per week? 3 to 6 raid boss kills is like 2 hours to 4 hours per week.

How much Vision runs I need per week? 2 to 4 attempts per week is like 1 hour to 2 hours.

How much time do i need for gold and rep grind per week? 1 hour for 2 assaults per week and 2 hours for emissaries per week.

I would need 7 hours per week minimum… 12 hours per week maximum. That’s like 1 hour to 2 hours per day if I play 7 days a week. And thats 1 hour to 3 hours per day if I play 5 days a week.

And that’s my schedule and I really consider myself as Casual but not noob. With these limited play time, I beat 5-Masked Visions, got AoTC from Heroic Raid, currently at M+14 working my way to M+15 all on dungeon finder. On Legion I even got Complete Mythic Raid Boss kills of Emerald Nightmare but I left WoW though but came back on Antorus enough to get AoTC and M+15 achievement.

With limited play time and being able to beat highend stuff, it means Legion and BFA are really Casual friendly. With the same hours I rendered on Legion and BFA, if I used such hours on Vanilla, would I be able to reach Naxx40? No, never. I wasted like 2 to 3 extra hours per day before the actual AQ40/Naxx40 raid. I praise Legion and BFA for allowing Casuals to become badazz becoz being badazz wont happen with Casuals on previous WoW versions.

BTW, Legion and BFA has very SOFT grinds. It becomes heavy when you missed playing for months. Who told you the game is designed for disappearing players? … playing at start of expansion then vanish and reappear at the end of the expansion?

BTW, I am just like doing bare minimums. How would a No Lifer leave me behind? The game is time gated. My 2x to 5x M+ per week versus 25x runs by no Lifers? We got the same 1x weekly cache. My 3x to 6x raid boss kills vs No Lifers endless attempts. It’s almost the same as the learning curve of most people is so slow. It’s usually a gain for me if I dont waste my time doing Raids during the time when people are learning the mechanics. I should be doing raids when people knew what theyre doing on Raids. On Vision, I only need 1 Malefic Core per week. I dont care if the No Lifers redo Vision 100x. The game is time gated. No Lifers wont have big advantage over a Casual like me. And that’s good. BFA’s Time Gating is on my side… for Casuals allowing us to relax as we are confident that the No Lifers would never leave us behind.

yes, there’s a reason for casuals to play still: they love their characters. simple as that.

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I can’t argue with you. With covenants and conduits being so locked down - us casuals get rekt even worse than in BfA.

I need to find another game to play.

That’s a long list of ‘must do’, at least to me. In my ‘raiding days’ back in Burning Crusade, I would do one raid a week. During the week prior to raiding I might hit a heroic dungeon or two. Other than that, I just quested to finish out certain quest lines or farmed for primals for crafting. There really wasn’t a lot I ‘needed’ to do back then, and that was far more enjoyable for me.

Hah, still an Azir main since his release.

Still an Azir main now.

Not many people play him better than me :smiley:

I think thats just it. Many or even most of us dirty casuals arent trying to be anything more, so the gap isnt anything we concern ourselves with.
Im just playing to enjoy my down time. Anything beyond what Im doing becomes more intense = irritation = me wanting to quit.

Once I did the cloak questline, I was able to hit 442 very fast and it seems to be high enough even with resto druid to do everything I need to do.

That depends on what the ‘casual’ is wanting to do.

but those arent ‘casual’ players.
People who want to do high end competitive gaming of course put in more time and energy to doing that content.
I dont.

I’m bout as casual as you can get and I still have stuff I enjoy doing… I do agree with the player gap though… I blame RIO for that.

Hello. My name is Daphella and I’m a filthy casual. Jokes aside, I still feel like theres a reason to play. As a casual, there is no pressure to go into Lfr or try and cram into mythics or raids. I don’t really see the need to pvp but will if I am crazy.

So why play a game if I am missing majority of the content? Well cause I can and I am not missing all that much. I can still quest. And actually, I geared up quicker now than I did in the past. Granted I did have friends to help and run mythics with me.

However, some days I just love leveling up characters, questing or running around doing random stuff. As a casual, wow life is easier because I don’t feel stressed that I don’t have the best in slot or that I have reached end goals. In the end, being a casual means I will never run out of anyrhing to do because I am always behind the pack.
Casually Daphella


try playing classic as a casual, hell try leveling to 60 as a casual

Yes I was stuck at level 55 for quite some time. However I was also 11 years old and was more interest in helping lowbies then getting ahead. My mom laughed at me because when Bc came out I finally hit level 60.

Keep in mind, a lot of casual players avoid Mythic+ at all costs; the timer is intimidating to them, from what I’ve seen on the forums, anyway. That, and people demand overgeared teams, even for the most trivial content like below +10.

It’s a shame. There’s no real steady climb for casuals these days to work their way up other than Mythic+, but the M+ community can be so toxic for the above reason.


The game is more accessible.
There are more sources to get gear from.

The difference in HP between a new player and a more advanced player does not mean that the game is more complex.

It just means there is a lot of ilvl difference between one tier and another.

You just have to look a little on TBC and see the ilvl of Karazhan vs The Sunwell

Karazhan = 115
The Sunwell = 160

45 Ilvl points in the entire expansion.
At BFA you have 45 per Tier.

This is not the fault of the players.

And let’s be honest, it takes just a little bit of dedication to make progress in the game.

In my Guild there are several who work and study at the same time.
Or they are about to start a family.

And still they find time to do the visions, one M + 15 per week and complete Ny’alotha at least in Hero.

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Completing N’zoth in LFR is harder than completing it in normal (not due to mechanics but players). That should never be the case. Honestly, I think they should pretty much remove all mechanics from LFR or at least any that require any kind of communication or coordination. Currently the LFR experience is absolutely horrid.


I think this happened mostly in the second half of BFA. In 8.1, you could keep up in 5-10 hours per week per character, in PVP, low M+, or pickup raiding. Then in 8.2 you had to spend twice as much time grinding Benthic, and now it’s even worse with the cloak and corruption grind, though the corruption vendor helps a bit.

How has LFR been destroyed?

It’s quite smooth whenever I do it. I think it’s fine to put all the mechanics in when it’s easy to outgear and ignore them - eventually you can even ignore the tank swap mechanics. Really the only horrid part is the long wait for refills.

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