Is there a reason for casuals to really play anymore

Ahm,Op what do you mean “real play”? Is there a degree of playing I don’t know , a level?

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I can’t do the one thing I really loved to do anymore thanks to all stacked secondary systems.

I just want to play casual bgs and get all the gear I need from doing it. Not the ridiculous amount of pve junk I would have to do atm just to stand a chance. There’s like three different borrowed power systems id have to farm for months just to be where I used to be with just honor gear.

A vendor with subpar gear not tailored for pvp in SL wont help. It’s still going to have a crap ton of borrowed power nonsense I’ll have to wade through just to stand a chance.


And they’re accepting casuals with an ilvl of 400, as the guy above says?

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No. Now that we’re going full on WoD mode with Raid-or-Die/Mythic+ - or-Die, casuals have no need to play.

FF14 welcomes everyone.


They sure can… why not? Group of friends, family, co workers can RIGHT NOW form a lvl 60 party to do Molten Core…

I think you’re thinking casual players are not really casual… I’m sorry… we’re miscommunicating somewhere

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400 ilvl is extremely casual, that’s not even wq geared. Lfr is for that type of player.

I an a casual myself and i do enjoy having sistems that are unique for each class or different story lines.

In legion i made an army of alts to see what was their story. In bfa i made a few horde characters to see their wasr campaign

And i will do the same on shadowlands. That and collecting transmog are what keeps me playing and RP

Exactly! I even brought my fishing raft as far north as I could go out in Northrend and just fished out there on the edge of the map for a while. There is plenty to do in this game.

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To enter Normal N’yolotha you only need 430 ilvl and at least 30k to 40k dps. One can get about 29k to 30k dps even at 430 ilvl. Getting 430 ilvl is not hard. You can do pvp to get 460 pieces with conquest. You can do Lfr to learn the fights and get 430 gear.

Uhh…no it wasn’t. It was due to the world of garrisoncraft expansion, and how you had 0 reasons to leave your garrison.

No. Actually what I’m thinking is that if your friends, families and co-workers put together a normal raiding guild without a raid leader, everybody has that ilvl of 400 you say is ideal, and nobody has the cloak, that they’re going to fail hard.

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400ilvl isn’t normal raid ready. There’s plenty of content to do before that. Heroic dungeons, world quests, world bosses, warfronts, bgs, conquest cap. All super super easy to get into and do. Again you are 459 with literally just conquest cap gear. That’s pretty casual and way higher than normal raid and heroic raid ready.

You’re cloak is literally level 1 too. Which Is jsut do a quest line, which If you are in it for the story and casual, you do it. (and a free 470 plus the bracers you get along the way) and yes you can easily do the cloak quest line at 400. I’ve done it on freshly boosted characters with no hassle. None of the mobs are hard even for the biggest of noobs.

The game has gotten easier and more casual EVERY expansion, easier and easier to gear and get into various content.

It’s just with Legion and now BFA, some aspects of it have allowed for more advanced game play. just because EVERYTHING in the game isn’t handed to casuals for free doesn’t mean it’s somehow less casual friendly.

Well we’re gonna have to agree to disagree… you say they’d fail hard…
I think they may wipe several times, granted… but they will improve themselves, finally succeed, and have a wonderful memory together

The only reason LFR survives is on the backs of REAL raiders.

With BFA, they removed the seals we got from killing raid bosses from our mission table quests. Quests we’d often only get AFTER doing our real raid for the week. Many a time i carried LFRs thru that place so i could kill my boss and finish my quest in Legion. (And yes this was intentional, Blizzard specifically changed those quests to the last boss of the given wings so people would stop dropping group in LFR) Now you don’t have us helping anymore so naturally the place dies.

I’m honestly not sure how they can make LFR any easier without just making it a shadow puppet show. You zone in, take a literal seat, and they show you the fight with puppets. Then you open a chest and the scenario ends.

Well to be fair, they will fail for sure the moment they hit N’zoth and he MC’s them all. But that’s putting some rather stringent restrictions on the group.

Getting your cloak is not that hard, it’s a PITA for alts and those quest lines should be skippable after the first time, but it’s not hard.

You’re right.

I have done the cloak questline many times. None of my characters have gotten even good bracers. Every quest rewards 430’s. Actually, most of my characters have gotten trash 430 gear with trash corruptions, gear that isn’t even worth cleansing.

If you’re so casual, why do you care that you’re not keeping up with no-lifers?

I’m out of likes but :blue_heart: for so many people including the OP.

LFR giving lower quality than emissary gear was just a kick in the shins.

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