I notice the forums seem to be doing that quite frequently as of late where you quote a post, reply to it, and the forum system removes that quoted text part and give you a forced edit.
I’ve never had that happen.
edit: I never quote whole posts though, so maybe that could be why.
I think you can only nest quotes like two or three deep, because otherwise you get those giant quote pyramids and nobody wants to see that. Remember the Wall of No? Imagine that at the top of a pyramid.
I asked Blizzard for you a few days ago.
I use quotes when replying because people often edit their posts after I’ve begun writing. Or after I’ve already responded.
To my understanding, the quoted selection does not get changed when the author edits. So I guess I’ll continue to quote posts I’m responding to, even if they’re directly above me.
Just remove a period at the end or something so the system doesn’t delete it. But yeah, quoted excerpts don’t get edited when the original post is edited.
but unlike the old forum, you can change the quotes to make it appear that the poster was saying whatever you want them to say.
Excellent tip. Thank you.
How did you quote what I was thinking!?!
You are a forum hero. A beacon of light, a shining example for all to see.
People… please don’t quote entire posts, it makes all the peons cry and their work is hard enough.