Is there a mailbox on Exiles Reach?

Duh. I’m not smart. xD

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It does suck, when i make an alt i plan ahead and have gold, proper bags, and fully enchanted heirlooms sent off as soon as its made.


That makes sense. A MB would be good, either way.

There isnt one in the DH starter area.

You’re there for like 2 minutes. Calm down, the mail will be there when you get done.


Considering some of the places you can find a mailbox I don’t think lore should have anything to do with it.

Just make the “mailbox” a bird with a scroll tied to its leg, or maybe a bottle with a note.

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You’d think the Tortollan chilling under the waterfall could at least do something useful.

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“So, you’re being sent on a mission to an uncharted island–”
“Can I get mail there?”
“-- and I just changed my mind. You’re not going. Mail on an island that no-one’s ever been to. Seriously. What are you thinking?”

–the reaction from the guy who assigned you just before the opening cutscene


Also, why didn’t Tom Hanks have a mailbox when he got stranded on an island?

Typical Postmaster.

You’ll get out of there in 45 aprox

I bet they wanted to avoid someone sitting in Exiles and herbing their way to max level without leaving? (CAN you do that? haha)

At least you don’t have to mail yourself your heirlooms anymore.

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I should be able to send and receive mail as I choose. I do carry the title of postmaster after all.

Typical oversight by the developers. I have seen this issue before with mail. You would think the devs would wise up and let you delete a character who has mail. Or maybe you wouldn’t expect developers to be able to think of that?

So if you start Exiles Reach, you will immediately find you have mail, but there is no mailbox around. You will not be able to delete the character until you finish exiles reach and leave the area and go find a mailbox.

I think a better solution for a player is to submit a ticket and make Blizz take care of it.

They were moved by the post office.

Try your best to get the Stampwhistle Toy which will give you a mailbox anywhere on a CD. It works on all your characters no matter how new they are

doesn’t work there

i dont think you understand the word exile…

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worgen starting zone had the same problem start of cataclysm, so it’s not like blizzard hasn’t gone through this before.

They knew it was a problem and chose to ignore it.