Is there a guarantee that 100% of the Dottie pet will be given to charity?

No, because they’re not using charity for profit in that instance. You can donate directly without going through Blizzard. If all profits go to charity, then Blizzard are actually doing something selfless with a unique benefit to the donor.

Well… no, it isn’t. It was your money, right up to the point you gave it to Blizzard in exchange for the product they are selling. Then the money belongs to Blizzard, and the product belongs to you.

Blizzard is taking the money they get from the sale of this pet and donating it to charity, up to a maximum donation of $3M.


Only 3 million dollars is going to charity. Anything else they make over that is all Blizzards.

Which is fine. Blizzard should have worded the charity differently. That’s why woke people are upset.

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How? How could they have worded it any differently that would have been more transparent than ‘100% of all sales go to charity, capped at $3M’?


It is not even in the slightest “unethical”. They have released the amount donated from every single one of these pets and pet/plushi combos and none have surpassed the $3,000,000 mark.


Sure, they can guarantee you anything you want.

Since they have release every single amount given for previous combos and none of them came within $500,000 of this amount, it is safe to say that 100% of these will be going to charity. This is what is know as a tempest in a teapot. A complete non-issue that people are using to go after Blizzard.

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Right? There is no law anywhere saying a company has to donate crap to anyone. They are going to sell that pet to people who want it regardless. They are doing a good thing and I cant understand how anyone can see fault with this. It’s just mind blowing to me.


99% of the money is going to line blizzard’s pockets and then the combined 1% is going to charity, which 99% of that will be going into the charity executive’s pockets. Charities are a business. If you really want to help then donate locally to someone who needs help and know the money is actually going to the needy.

You do understand that you could just donate the money yourself to the charity and get the tax break yourself right? The reason people are doing it thru Blizzard is for the pet.


its unethical to donate up to 3 million dollars to charity?


100% of the first 3 million raised will be donated to charity, that being said I’m fine with the original way it was posted but if i was blizzard after people raging at the esports thing i would’ve posted it differently

no blizzard is, we bought something, if you receive something from your donation its not a donation


False. You carry on though, I find you thoroughly amusing. I didn’t think Eeyore could be an actual human being. I truly feel sorry for you that you have such a bitter jaded view of charities. No matter what there will always be some overhead, not 99% as you claim. This leads to that 76% of percentages shared on the internet are 80% false adage.

100% of funds raised up to the three million threshold will be given to these two organizations, Blizzard pockets nothing unless that is exceeded, and given past events, it is not hard to see that this has not once been met. What the charities do with Blizzard’s donation is completely out of Blizzard’s control, much like any other mere mortals donations are as well.


Learn how to read, it was very clear.


That’s not more transparent, that’s more confusing.

“100% of the first $3M raised” That implies there will be a second $3M. What happens to that? What percentage of that is donated?

And even then, the charity itself has overhead. Some more than others, there are huge charities out there that have little of their donation money going to the actual cause they represent.

If you want to make a difference with your money and are flipping out about the purity of motive of it, hand cash to a person in need directly. Any other way, some part of it goes to someone or something else. And even then, who’s to say that person in need will really buy carrots and rice and kale with it like you want them to and not potato chips and soda pop?

There is no way for charity to be 100% pure and 100% effective. Maybe just relax about it instead and buy the pet if you want the pet, don’t if you don’t.

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That’s not why we’re not donating here. Blizzard is making the donation with the money they make from the sales of these pets. We’re not donating anything, we’re just buying pets to fund Blizzard’s donation.

Just because you receive something for your donation doesn’t mean it isn’t a donation. Quite a lot of charities offer small token gifts in exchange for donations. It makes sense to offer these inexpensive gifts to entice more donations.

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The number of tinfoil hats on display surrounding this whole charity event is frankly alarming.


They placed a cap on how much that will go to the charities, read the fine print.