In the spirit of your question neutrality:
It entirely depends on what the end goals are.
Lets just pull one controversial example out of the air: Torghast.
Why is Torghast now a gear check (latest ion sloot convo) as well as an rng check as well as a skill check as well as a class check?
-Is it because they want another ladder system then can use for E-sports purposes (torghast speed clears), and so need a clear difficulty curve to make it non-trivial.
-Or is it because they were hurt by the criticism of Islands and warfronts as a no-lose-condition chore?
-Or is it because they have a 3-6 month plan of steady gear increases that will keep players looking to defeat it as they gear up (if a little slower than their mythic compadres)?
-Or is it that they couldnt figure out how to design the 72 floor system without turning it into a one-and-done explosion fiesta, so decided to restrict it to 6 floors and 6 wings, but simply ran out of time to completely iterate on it?
-Or is it that there is a disconnect between what players want and what blizzard finally settled on?
I picked Torghast because there are several possibilities in intention. There is also a lack of communication of those intentions and this is where the current problem really exists right now. They arent really stating what their design goals are. If ion were to come out and say: ‘the point to the gear cap is that we want everyone eventually to get into the twisting corridors, but obviously solo players may find that a little slower and gated whilst they work through the other progression paths like renown and rep with venari to raise their ilvl. On the other hand, mythic players will likely find themselves quickly at the appropriate gear level to face the challenge head on’.
It would explain what torghast is and how it fits into the gearing and player power system as a whole. But as it stands, people seem a little confused. Theyre being told on forums that ‘its fine, get good!’ or ‘its too easy, it needs more challenge!’ whilst the sheer variation in spec/class, gear levels (and i assume, skill levels) and potential anima powers seems to make an actual objective assessment of it… tricky. So perhaps there needs to be more communication on issues like these so players can actually grasp what blizzards intentions actually are. Thus, to answer your question:
Yes. Because blizzard keep holding their cards to their chest.