Is the Zandalari fleet rebuilt now?

Yeah, he gave Jaina a promotion (Ruler of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor) before dying.

Should I be worried about Jaina?

Don’t make me laugh. Ridiculous. :rofl:

Rhonin was Knaaks pet mage character. When he left blizz. Blizz promptly killed his pet character off in the bombing of theramore

Ooooh, right, I completely forgot about him. Not what I’d call, “Overpowered,” but certainly a pet mage, yeah. Given his own Windrunner wife too (which is pretty damned creepy when you consider she was so young her family kept her out of the Second War. Vereesa is practically a teen mom).

It didn’t miss Nazmir either. It broke one of the three locks keeping ghuun quiet. Once that happened he woke up and did his thing. Even flying around Nazmir you cm see the damage from the cataclysm. What I wonder about is why zandalar was so affected yet kul tiras seeks to have been untouched by it

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Actually, it was originally implied that Kul Tiras was forcibly moved west-ward by the Cataclysm. Kul Tiras was originally an isle off the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms, in Baradin Bay, it should have been on the map of the EK. Come Cataclysm it was still missing, so the Devs tried to talk their way of this by saying something about the Cataclysm moving Kul Tiras closer to the Maelstrom.

Come BfA and Kul Tiras was retconned into always having been in the Great Sea, instead of in Baradin Bay as the RTS maps and Chronicles I showed us.

Why the Cataclysm didn’t damage Kul Tiras? Because that plot was already used for the Zandalari and it would feel redundant if it was used in Kul Tiras too. Instead they came up with a new plot about Kul Tiras being close to N’Zoth’s tendrils (Crucible of Storm) and that’s why the Old Gods and Naga take over Stormsong Valley.

That’s every playable faction in the game dude.


NO it’s not.

Stormwind is not surrounded by hostile regions, neither is Boralus, neither is Ironforge.

So you admit the alliance had more zones and that’s unfair.

In what dream world do you live in that you need someone to tell you that life is not fair?

Any other MMO faction based Game?

Westfall: bandit country
Redridge: rampaging Orcs
Duskwood: Necromancers, Ogres, Feral Worgen
Burning Steppes: more Orcs

Khaz Modan seems like a pretty stable region, I’ll give you that one.

Boralus has pirates, Stormsong has Cthulu cultists and Drustvar has witches; not an insignificant amount of them.

Gets a bit confusing when the in-game representation of things doesn’t quite match all the lore; like I know the human heritage quest implied that the Defias are gone (but also not gone because some other dude took over and we killed him, but like with the Scarlet Crusade for Forsaken, they’re a foil for Stormwind and will always come back when the narrative team runs out of ideas). But if you didn’t have hostile environments then you wouldn’t have anything to really do as a player so here we are.

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Got to love how you skipped Elwynn Forest and instead mentioned Burning Steppes, this tells me all I need to know about you (aka you are dishonest).

But just so you know, Westfall and Redridge have been pacified since Cataclysm.

But if you didn’t have hostile environments then you wouldn’t have anything to really do as a player so here we are.

Stormsong and Drustvar are not “hostile environments”, in fact Stormsong is literally a lush and fertile farmland.

Nazmir and Vol’dun are, indeed, hostile environments.

It’s self-explanatory.

I’m dishonest because I pointed out that in an MMO you have zones in the game which compel you to do things.

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.


You are, as you equate Vol’dun, a wasteland with no life used to dump the waste of Zandalari society, to Redridge, a calm and serene region where the only threat was an Orcish invasion that was dealt with in Cataclysm.

On top of having ignored Elwynn Forest, the only region right next to Stormwind, and replaced it with Burning Steppes, a region that is not even in the Kingdom of Stormwind at all.

That’s not what the Sethrak think. Their temple looks much better then Lakeshire.