Is the Zandalari fleet rebuilt now?

Vol’dun: Hostile desert full of sethrak, pirates, and exiles. Kul Tirans literally have a bigger presence here than the Zandalari, let that sink in.

‘Let that sink in.’ Implying that’s supposed to mean anything? You’re aware the Ashvane Company isn’t loyal to Kul Tiras, yes?

And there’s no rule that says that “island-nations” must have a fleet.

Also, the nation wasn’t founded on an island. It was founded on land-blocked mountains. The Zandalari were never a sea-faring people.

The Cataclysm certainly didn’t miss the coastlines, which is why they are all wrecked and ruined.

That shark loa only had one temple, which was destroyed and submerged by the Cataclysm, and was never rebuilt.

Just common sense, which the Zandalari, of all troll tribes, have never lacked for.

Zandalar has been an island for over ten thousand years. Sure, it was originally built on a mountain. Now, it’s an island. You don’t think ten thousand years of being an island is enough time for them to go, “You know, we should probably build a fleet. Lots of dangerous nonsense in and on the ocean.”


Also, the nation wasn’t founded on an island. It was founded on land-blocked mountains. The Zandalari were never a sea-faring people.

Sure, just ignore the time the Zandalari set sail to fight the Soulflayer, when they set sail to record the downfall of the Drakkari Empire, when they started exploring islands after the Sundering, when they set sail after the Cataclysm…


Yet the Golden Fleet was considered one of two of the best fleets in the entire world. The only fleet to rival them was the Kul’tiran fleet


And now it no longer exists after a gnome pressed a button, and there’s no evidence whatsoever that the Zandalari are rebuilding it.

Until the fleet is relevant again

Y’all really don’t understand how story telling works do you?


And it will never be relevant again, along with the rest of that backwater, monster-infested isle.

Not really that difficult to understand, but you’re welcome to remain on copium support.

Tell you me you don’t understand how story telling works without telling me you don’t understand how story telling works

Not really that difficult to understand, but you’re welcome to remain on copium support.

says wrong thing
gets corrected
says the others correcting him are on copium support

The irony.


His troll baits are on life support. That’s about it :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_nod:


And it will never be relevant again, along with the rest of that backwater, monster-infested isle.

Says who? Do you work at Blizzard?


Zandalar will ultimately be more important than KT simply because it’s the mecca of trolldom and blessed by more wild gods/loa than even the Night elves roll with.

Gazlowe spent enough time in the Zandalari docks, shipwrights might have picked up a few tips about efficient industry from him and started pumping out ships. Arsenal of Democracy Councildom, baby.


Uhm, Jaina is literally more important than the entire Troll race.

Fyi, Kul Tiras had a cameo in the TWW beta trailer.

Trolls: Had several members fighting against the Burning Legion in Legion.

Jaina: Boo hoo I’m gonna take my staff of fantastical power and sit this one out because Khadgar won’t validate my racism


In what reality sense? I fail to understand how any individual could be more important than entire race. Jaina is not a culture unto herself. She is not a multitude of stories large and small. She is not a self-contained dynasty, faith, and court of politics.

Perhaps as a story-telling element she has more significance than the Zandalari, but that’s only determined by how convenient she is or isn’t for a given narrative, compared to the same criteria for the Zandalari.

Jaina’s a major lore character by all accounts, but she’s not playable race levels of important.


Funny how she’s never around when the world actually needs her.


Fyi, Kul Tiras had a cameo in the TWW beta trailer.

I just rewatched it, and no it didn’t.

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When one is so desperate for troll bait, they start making up things that never took place :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Jaina’s a major lore character by all accounts, but she’s not playable race levels of important.

Also yeah, claiming that Jaina’s more important then two entire playable races is uh… :skull: