Is the Tauren Heritage Set obtainable now?

I know pathfinder 1 to get the quest to “fly out to meet them” was not required to raid. I’ll go face plant in the raid some time after grinding the dailies this weekend to advance it. Now to see what to do in there as heals or tank.

Off to the youtube…

So I opened up a ticket regarding this and got an interesting response.

Game Master Verendmos here.
Thank you for contacting us about these issue with this quest not being available. I had my team of awesome murlocs let me know of what we could do here. So looking into this, it appears this may be bugged for some people and we do have a hotfix coming out soon for that.

They did recommend if you have not done the raid to do it as a bypass to force the war campaign story mode to populate until the hotfix comes. Until then though if you’re bugged, it’s wait or raid.

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A Microworgenism

Why did the Harvest Golem win the Nobel Prize?
Because he was outstanding in his field

Lol seems like it…sitting there in the armor ;p

If I do the War Campaign on my Alliance character will it satisfy the requirements to begin the Heritage quest on my exalted Tauren?

In theory, yes.

So I’m still a bit confused on what I need to do to unlock the quest. Here’s my situation:

  • I have a 120lvl Tauren who is Exalted with TB
  • He just recently dinged 120, so most reps/quest progress (i.e. Honorbound and War Campaign) is a work in progress.
  • I went to Nazjatar, and did 2 days worth of dailies. My bodyguard dinged rank 3 and I turned in that quest.
  • On my (Alliance) main, I’ve completed to baseline war campaign and 8.1 war campaign. I haven’t started the 8.2 campaign, and I haven’t joined any level of the new raids.
  • The wowhead tracker for my Tauren shows completion of the first two parts of the 8.2 war campaign (but nothing previous).

So what do I focus on. Finishing the 8.2 war campaign on my Tauren? Honorbound rep? Doing the 8.2 war campaign on my main?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

I figured it out, you have to be caught up with the War campaign on your TAUREN only.

Previously I have already done the campaign on both my Alliance AND Orc.

Still not available.

I know it sucks guys, I spent well over 3 hours completing the War Campaign AGAIN on my Tauren (yes, a second time). I just defeated Jaina in the raid and I’m almost there.

Yes it sucks, but the armor is worth it. Hope this helps guys!

Nope you can do the war campaign on your main.
That’s how the majority of us got it done including myself.
All I did was help rescue Baine on my main and then swap over to the Tauren alt.

I completed the war campaign on my alliance up through freeing Baine and logged over to get the Tauren heritage quest. Do all the war campaign up to 8.2, then open Nazjatar. Get your bodyguard to level 3, then complete a followup questline with fish guys (or gilblin), which will eventually give you the quest to free Baine. Once he’s free by any of your characters, you’re good to go.

… I legit did all that, the quest is 100% not there. Why do you think I’m spending over 3 hours doing the War Campaign again?

I’m not sure what you’re missing then. I didn’t even do any raids for the war campaign on my draenei which completed the Baine scenario and still got the tauren armor quest.

I’m attempting something, I think I figured the problem will report back.

This is getting beyond ridiculous. After doing everything suggested in this thread (short of completing the raid), I still can’t get to the quest line needed on my Horde (Tauren, exalted with TB) character.

I finally gave up, and went through the whole quest chain and prereqs (including getting current on War Mode stuff) on an Alliance character.

I am now supposedly at the point where we’re about to go and rescue Baine… “Speak with Anduin”… and standing in front of an empty throne with none other than Jaina Proudmoore herself. While that berk is goofing off in one of the side rooms.

Note: for anyone impacted by that issue (i.e. Anduin is in the War Room instead of the Throne Room), you will need to complete the entire “Tyrande’s Ascension” questline/scenario to unblock yourself.