IS the social contract a legally binding?

The toxic players would love Leagues Of Legend. Playing that toxic cesspool of a game without muted chat is just asking to be called every racist word in existence, alongside being told to…you know…and everything else possible and they get away with it despite a report system.

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My lawyers read the fine print and we all agree its legally binding to not be a dick.

Please pass it on.

what difference does it make - if you don’t accept you stopping playing immediately - if you accept you might be forced to stop playing later. If you want to play you have no choice.


You’ve been flagged again by toxic alt-left agenda pushers for telling the hated truth.

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Basically op, so long as your ideas fall in lockstep with lefist propaganda you’ll be fine. Its the moment you disagree and choose to think for yourself that makes them wanna purge what they consider “wrong think” best to not bother with this so called “community” none of them are important anyway.

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Squelch, Silence, Suspension, etc.


You getting Squelched, Silenced, Suspended, etc., is good enough, for them.

I swear y’all need to relax. It’s not that deep. I’ve been actioned, before and understand where I went wrong. Been Squelched and Suspended, and I’ve been playing since BC. And, these actions against me were BEFORE the contract. I was suspended for swearing and squelched for spamming. No legal reprecussions ensued. Y’all need to relax and chill.

EDIT: I’ll probably be actioned for even discussing my account actions.

I am concerned that my hiding of the player chats for years is going to get me banned, as I read this contract instructing me to do things I just dont generally do. I am solo for most of my time in Azeroth, I have to be. My socially different behaviors are usually annoying and misjudged by most people so I try to avoid being involved with group activities. I’m like the misunderstood monster, trying to be ok and good, and just existing brings torches and cops to my front door.

Is my lack of action to engage in interactive social activities going to get me banned?

Not sure. I just stood there earlier watching a priest get killed by a couple mobs and did nothing lol

The contract from my understanding is worded to require me, REQUIRED?! to socially engage with other players. I really REALLY shoudnt speak or group with ppl I dont know. My walls of text and realizm is enough to make ppl squirm, I’ve been told by friends I was dungeoining with, the rando tried to kick me for “Weird” as the reason. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m trying to exist and cope within a world not made for my kind. I really shouldnt be socializing with most people, I get misjudged very easily. Even my posts, do I feel regret, heck yes, because I know most people hate the walls, but I am not trying to be mean, I’m trying to defend myself and my way of life, and my need for vrtual visual entertainment is better than (ingested chemicals). I fail to cater to the majority’s needs, because I am not like the majority, never have been, and I would die before I was ever like them.

I break out of my personal corner of forum silence, as I am trying to defend myself against a contract requiring me to violate my personal boundaries and step outside of my social skills handicap, in a video game.

I dont do things to be mean, I’m trying to avoid upsetting people, by avoiding engagement with people unlike myself. I need my visual chemical adjustments, and I just cant accept a contract that feels like asking a blind man to give up his cane. I have social differences, and making me socialize with people is … a requirement I cannot agree to.

Do what i do. Ignore other players, watch them be killed by mobs and do nothing to help them. Treat all players as npcs. You’ll be much better off and if by some chance blizzard tries to get involved, tell them no. They wont but if they do.

No. The suggestions about how to get along well in an MMO are just that, suggestions. They are not rules to be enforced. There is no option to report people for not helping kill a mob.

You misunderstand the wording.

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No it’s not legally binding. It’s a PR gimmick for blizzard but it seems if you don’t agree you can’t log on. Just agree it’s not a big deal. People are acting like it is but it isn’t.

At least, for now…

O.k, you’re a “good” person.

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We’re doing great here, thanks!

Yes! Pronoun icon and orientation icon would be fantastic!
:rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag:

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Its a video game. You dont have to do anything.