Is the reason WoW is so bad now that Blizzard refuses to pay their employees fair wages?

I would love to see play rates between retail and classic.

Last time blizzard posted retail sub rates which was long before classic, it was at sub 3 million?

I would love to see current sub rates, with a break down of people playing mainly classic, mainly retail, or both.

Theyā€™re scared to release it. They donā€™t want to admin that Classic is more popular then Retail.

Although just the transparency would be cool.

Thereā€™s plenty of evidence that retail is more popular.

The retail forums have far more posts.
The retail WoW reddit has more than double the number of people online right now.
The retail forums on mmo-champion are far more popular.
Retail addons have roughly twice the number of downloads each time a version update is released. Even with AQ launching, DBM has half the downloads for the most recent Classic version compared to the most recent Retail version, despite the last retail content patch releasing many months ago.


I mean those are all good measurements but nothing can say for sure.

Iā€™ve already linked proof of them saying player based doubled. Which means Classic at least got 50/50 just from new subscribers assumingly.

Hereā€™s another link. Like I said, we canā€™t know unless Blizzard actually tells us.

Iā€™m fairly certain raid logs are more popping on Classic too by the way.

That was almost a year ago, Iā€™m using current metrics.

Use Warcraft logs.

Over 6million BWL parses recorded versus maybe 500,000 for Nyā€™alotha or w/e its called.

Classic players arenā€™t just parsing 20 times more either.

Yeah, the problem is they have people like AA in senior positions who just refuse to admit that ideas like trying to kill flying were just bad.

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Firstly, raiding is the only viable path of character progression for most people in Classic. In retail, thereā€™s far more ways to play the game and progress your character. Raiding isnā€™t the end all be all in retail.

Thereā€™s 3,600 more guilds that have cleared Heroic Nyā€™alotha in the US/EU in retail than there is that have cleared BWL in Classic. Classic does have larger raid sizes so the number of players should be roughly the same.

Now when you add in LFR and Normal raiders, yeah, retail has more raiders too.

But that doesnā€™t really do anything to change that classic is still very popular compared to retail and not just a small niche market.

Not all people playing Classic raid either. There are people who just PvP and those who donā€™t care about gear too.

Raid size is quite different my friend. Plus pugs are way more common on Classic.

You donā€™t know this.

Exactly. Its even bad to consider that Classic might be half as popular of what Retail is because again, Classic is 15 years old.

Except that Classic isnā€™t more popular than Retail.

You donā€™t know that lol.

It definitely could be, and more then likely is. Iā€™ve posted two links now. Can you post one?

Classic is not more popular than Retail. I offered up a bevy of evidence, try not to let your confirmation bias sway you from the truth.

Again, you donā€™t know.

Iā€™ve offered better evidence. And sources. You have zero.

The Warcraft logs for BWL, is just in the past few weeks too. How long has Heroic Nyā€™alatho been out?

Unless youā€™re saying PvP and Mythic dungeons are over 15 times more popular then PvE raiding?

Iā€™ve offered current evidence, you offered up something from nearly a year ago.

Hereā€™s the number of logs being uploaded right now:

Classic BWL and MC:


Explain to me why not a single Classic addon even comes close to the number of downloads when a new version is released compared to Retail.

Classic has a lot of people that donā€™t use addons. Or very few.

Again, lets use logs since that doesnā€™t require anything from a player other then attendance.

Conjecture, you have zero evidence for this claim.

I didnā€™t say it was more popular.

I said it was still very popular, and there is also some overlap.

Iā€™d be really interested to know, given that it is a shared sub, how many playeres play just classic, how many play just retail and how many play both.

I donā€™t know a single player that doesnā€™t use addons in Classic.

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