Let’s set aside all discussions of faction CONFLICT for a moment and focus solely on the storytelling and identity of the Horde.
Blizzard wrote the Horde into the most unsolvable corner I’ve ever seen for a playable faction in a video game.
They decided that, canonically, virtually everyone in the Horde is either stupid or psychotic. They insist on making us fall for obviously evil tyrants over and over again. They told the same Horde story from MoP but made it worse. The Horde is not a society that is mature enough to govern itself without the Alliance coming in to set us straight every few years.
With the blood elves banishing the void elves for using forbidden magics, they got rid of the idea that the Horde is a place where outcasts, exiles, and unconventioal lifestyles are welcome so long as they serve a greater good.
We’ve had so many bad warchiefs that Blizzard FORCED on us that the title has been abandoned in favor of a council that does nothing.
So the Horde is now an alliance of many races, whereas the Alliance is a High Kingdom ruled by a (currently absent) High King.
Anyway, if Blizzard had any writing skill, they’d realize that the Horde is far, far too gone to ever be accepted as a global superpower again. Realistically, the Horde should be seen as an existential threat to the world that could go crazy at any moment.
The Alliance was, canonically, right all along about the Horde: a bunch of (conveniently minority coded) monsters are incapable of forming a society that can ever be a net positive force in the world.
So, where does the Horde go from here? You might say that faction representation is done with, but the Alliance seems to be doing just fine and their characters get to do more things.
They cant LITERALLY get rid of the Horde, but I dont see how they can ever bring the Horde back to the forefront either. Thrall’s experiment completely failed. We’re all just hopelessly evil or stupid monsters.
But what do you guys think? I’m sure a lot of people in the comments will say the Horde is doing fine, faction representation is over forever (ignoring the stars of this expansion), or that the Horde was always meant to be this way.
But these just sound like excuses for catastrophically bad writing decisions that have hurt BOTH factions in the long run (I swear I didnt wanna burn down Teldrassil, guys, I’m so sorry :[ )