Is the game too complicated or are we just old?

Wait, wait, wait…just wait a minute.

Grumbles, the Loa of Cookies…has a manager?

I think a certaiun gnome has spent a little too much time out drinking with his dwarven friends in IF.

/moo :cow:


This one really gets me. I have a currency tab and yet I have about a bag and a half of random artifacts, relics, and high fiber leaves.


I too have been playing for about the same time and I agree, some aspects of the game have become overly complicated.

I just ignore them and find something else to focus on.

Annoys me about professions, because I really liked farming patterns and making things.


How is dragonflight dailies any different than burning crusade dailies?

Netherwing rep you couldn’t do all the dailies in dragonmaw until you reached honored, then more at revered

Icecrown dailies weren’t fully unlocked until you were honored in some reps

Sholazar basin wasn’t fully unlocked with oracles/frenzyheart till you hit honored/revered

He has many fans and admirers but I don’t remember hearing anything about a manager.


I am 53 and don’t really find the game overly complicated. I don’t need to use every ability all the time and it is nice to have some larger abilities for those what if scenarios.

However, I do think there needs to be better isolation of spell effects in large groups. There are times where it can be difficult to determine if something on the ground is good or bad. If my hitpoints start going down, I just move left or right until they stop declining but visual indicators can be more helpful.

For the professions currently, I like that you can give points to what you want so you can make it better. Resources do clog bags though. However, I am a general fan of the skill point system. Even if I don’t have leatherworking completed yet. It is just mail armor which I’ll probably never make anyway.

I don’t play competitively so if I fail to navigate the complexity perfectly, it doesn’t harm me. I’m not wild about the recent turn towards obfusticating/hiding information. I nolife WoW enough that I don’t spend a large percentage of my time in the “blundering around figuring out how things work” phase of playing. I’m really still in the very early stages of “getting old”

But with those caveats out of the way, I seem to have been able to adapt to everything the game has thrown at me complexity-wise over the years.

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I’d say it’s more of a if you take a break from this game it completely changes and you end up so overwhelmed that you give up.

If I stayed with the game I’m sure it wouldn’t be that complicated, but I quit around WoD, came back during shadowlands got stuck on how to gear my character, spend hours looking up guides on how to unlock stuff and just gave up and quit and went back to classic where the “complicated” system was doing dungeons to get gear.



System of the damned. You evolve or you stand still… it’s a choice.

I’m old and have less time to learn the new things and by the time I do, everyone has moved onto newer

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Been playing since '04 as well. Id say the game has become easier but more complicated in the tedious department. Its “easily complicated” now. I can agree. However, I dont get up in arms anymore about what is done to the game. My time isnt as much as it was back then, especially since I have four boys now.

In fact my two oldest play the game. Just to create characters. They really love deathknights. Anyhoo, yeah its more complicated now but im also not as gungho anymore.

I just do time walking and mount farming while sometimes questing with alts. Maybe an occasional BG but thats it.

I don’t think it has anything to do with getting older, you just know better. The game doesn’t have to be this way but it is what it is. Most people seem to like it so can’t really complain too much, it just doesn’t appeal to me when things get really convoluted to fight the battle against addons.

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sow plz kei plz sow plz kei plz sow plz kei plz

I am 46, and I have been unhappy with the complexity of the new talent system, particularly how in many cases there’s been a pretty large increase in the number of buttons for many specs I previously enjoyed.

Changes made to havoc DH and outlaw rogue have made playing at a high level much more challenging for me, and I find the wall of talents on any character I’ve not played in a while a big deterrent to my desire to play them.

I don’t like feeling like I don’t understand or can’t play as well classes that I used to be good at because of design changes. “You don’t have to use those buttons.” This is strictly true, but there is one metric by which damage performance is measured, and choosing not to use an ability because it’s too hard for me is admitting defeat and leaving damage on the table. That feels terrible. Ideally, I think talent choice should be about whether the talent is right for the content you’re doing, and not whether it’s too advanced for your level of play, particularly when there’s a big range of performance outcomes and levels of simplicity across the classes. If I’m unable to play a spec at the maximum level of complexity offered and as a result am doing 20% less DPS than the spec is balanced around while a simpler spec is much closer to that point, it makes me question what the value is in sticking with the more complicated spec.

I think creating such a circumstance that players may fall into is a big mistake on the part of Blizzard. Not everyone feels this way of course, and that’s fine and valid feedback as well.

I don’t think Blizzard’s egos will let them walk any of it back anytime soon though.


Is the game too complicated or are we just old?

Dragonflight is miles simpler than shadowlands when it comes to systems. Especially in the sense that we don’t really have too many requirements to participate in whatever content we want too, the content is much more available.

That said, I do not enjoy the new professions. They over did it big time.

Speaking as someone who “seasons to taste” the starter builds to eliminate button bloat, I respect the effort-economics of this perspective. I can’t tell you not to obsess over leaving damage on the table, all I can say is that most of the game doesn’t need that damage. As I said in my above post, for most of the game, “good enough is good enough,” and that’s by design. I do appreciate your perspective though, so please don’t think that I’m telling you you’re wrong.

I’m literally leveling my designated, conceptual outlaw rogue right now and just tweaked him at 67 to get rid of Keep it Rolling and Echoing reprimand, which feel niche and the very definition of “button bloat,” and the world didn’t end, nobody said I couldn’t join them in timewalking dungeons, and once I hit 70 I’ll move on to another alt and said rogue goes into the “all hands on deck for this transmog farm” pool, which is getting a buff next expansion.

I do not say all of this to gainsay you, only to point out that it’s ok to just do “good enough.” If you need to “do keys” on every character, with randos that will boil you down to a number, I absolutely get why you’d want to “maximize” everything. I guess I’m just lucky that I do not give a single eff about “keys,” and enjoy my time with my conceptually expressed family of alts. Maybe that’s the key: It’s not about the numbers for me, it’s about enjoyment and concept and realizing that the fact that I can successfully play that way means it’s “not wrong,” and neither is your way!

… I do have fewer, or at least very different frustrations, though, but none of them are performance related.

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It’s not that we can’t handle complicated it ‘s more “does playing a game warrant this level of complicated”.

Ff14 seemed really complicated at first but then I learned it and realized all the systems repeat in the same format during each expansion. Everything in the old expansions get flattened to the same currency formula. All the attacks have clear moves and once you know it your good.

But WoW only half uses it formulas. Doesn’t backtrack and flatten anything anymore. They just let it all sit there and fester while stacking new crap on top of it. So many rehashes on so many systems so quickly.

With Wow it’s no longer worth the time investment to learn anything with how quickly it reconfigures. The older players have a subconscious sense of this.

It’s a combination of things.

There’s a couple of things to remember about this kind of discussion. As the game gets older, other things are added, and people figure out other addons to make. All of this makes the game also change environmentally too.

Let’s put it another way, if you’re talking about maximizing your dps, there’s way more that goes into it now than there ever was. Power Infusion, consumables with special effects, special weapons from the raid, augmentation, etc.

Professions are more ‘complicated’ but because of other people now needing to be more involved than previously. And I agree on the talent trees, I’m actually someone who thinks the new talent trees are more problematic than good.

Yes! THIS! This is the core of the philosophy I’ve been getting at with my “good enough is good enough” line of thought:

“Ultimately, this here button/power can’t matter very much, because it won’t be relevant in two years, and older content wasn’t built with this in mind.”

This “long game” mindset does push a very generalistic “does this spark joy? No? Scrap it, damage is damage” mindset, and for me anyway that means a lot of “spec into this button” frills aren’t worth it.

But again, I say this as someone who sticks to content where impressing or defeating others doesn’t come into play, so your mileage may vary.

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