Is the game dead?

I’m surprised I didn’t see anyone screaming about the barber shop change being able to swap genders

Interesting I wasn’t aware of that. How many gender options are there?

Body type 1 and body type 2


Classic Blizzard bigotry. I will bring this to the attention of GD. Thank you for reporting this.

Edit: nm someone actually already did this:


there was a lot of super funny original attack helicopter-esque gender meme posts when prepatch hit

Whats the B stand for bro?

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Basically your guild name. Big booty latina

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im in the process of changing it to lf big body 2 latina

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Checks out

Except they caused the problem. When Monk was introduced they had too much mobility and healing. They went Zooooom Zoooooom!!! So to compensate they gave ALL other melee specs too much mobility and healing.

This then caused them to buff Casters and make them Tanks removing Roles from the game and thus the game spiraled out of control into the homogenized trash that it is. Where everyone can do everything and it feels bad.

Cata was the End of WoW and MoP ushered in the trash that is now Retail.



Yeah but then you just DS for 40k :frowning:

Even when I am on we still lfg the healers lmao. I hope next time we play you’re rooted for 40% of the game. Break your record.

Finally farming wins now though!

Thank god I dodged y’all. Thunder was free wins tho

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I was actually queueing fury/boomy/rsham last :stuck_out_tongue:

Sucio looked to be in games already.

We spam queued into mm thug, RMP, ele/aff, and jungle mostly.

Nailed it…

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