Is the game dead?

Bro I’ll play with you. Duelist geared boomy sitting at 1900cr tanked from 2053 in LFG. Hit me up!!

no they don’t rofl

You’re fine man. You’re not late.

It’s just leveling. You’re good on retail, so there’s really no reason to think you won’t just surpass those who beat you to 80 when you get there.

When it comes to patches, and expansions that have already been released, the vast majority of people do. Also, people have less patience with blizzard and more alternative options than they did in 2008.

okay so the vast amount of players who played through all of tbc and classic got bored? or do you mean they got bored but still played due to sunk cost fallacy and addiction. either way they arn’t stopping

Retail arena has been shizz since monks and DH emerged

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No…rogues at lvl 80 are actually weaker than most others. TBC was the SS ambush hemo spec…

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I disagree, Blizzard just put less time in balancing. DH/Monk are barely the problem right now outside of specifically DH Boomkin and DH DK - which both are beatable.

DH just has a weird state where they are super broken overtuned into some things due to blur conduit and immolation aura smoking people who stack. Their abilities are really hard to balance in pvp because they aren’t top tier in pve because their cooldowns aren’t nearly like others - such as AR or Dark Soul - it’s just heavy constant damage.

Monk is one of those infinitely stacking cooldown scenarios gone wrong. Bonedust isn’t healthy for the game nor is fist of fury tier just one tapping people with images up.

wotlk has an insanely epic leveling adventure.

so epic in fact that some people just cant handle it

this is why xaryu has been farming the same mobs in the same dungeon for the past 3 days



i went to wotlk, sadly the wotlk forums are a cesspit of awfulness with the same 3 threads over and over again

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Have they discovered rating locked gear yet?


no right now every single thread is one of the four options:

  • give us RDF
  • don’t give us RDF
  • if the queues are too long you should transfer
  • i dont want to transfer fix the queues some other way

honestly im prolly gonna get screwed by rating locked gear too since i dont know a single person to do arena with on grobbulus :frowning:

Wait. Why is DH boomkin a problem?

It’s not a problem but the comp is very broken into casters due to their kits

Why is that? I play it between 1.9 and 2k cr and find melee much easier. Well, maybe not. Casters not too bad. Except aff.

Because with rsham protection and additional ranged kick they can spam purge stay offensive and completely shut out an enemy healer that’s not a Druid every big go.

Dh boomkin rsham is a premium comp into high rated casters as they have a strong one shot every stun via moonkin starsurge and dh pressure, a ms, a strong healer into casters and overall can live forever with reverse magic and off heals from boomkin when not spamming cyclone.

Not much worse as a caster outside of dh dk rsham.

pardon my ignorance but whats RDF

Random Dungeon Finder.

Basically this.

NOT to be confused with LFG, which is

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yeah the classic community for some reason kicks and screams every single time a QoL feature or change comes in and absolutely won’t tolerate having RDF which was literally in wrath