Is the game dead?

Exactly. If nothing else, this should open the eyes of the devs a little about game design choices.

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it’s bad when mid-day EST i’m constantly on put on Oceanic servers while doing random bgs.

Edit: Retail*

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Spent 2 hours trying to find games last night, just logged off lol.


Didn’t they say they’d do that with classic vanilla too? I just don’t see them investing that much time/energy into old obsolete systems. Also, the whole reason people want to play wrath is that it was a different time, and the team and design philosophy was different. If they start to patch it with modern day developers and philosophy, it won’t even be wrath anymore. At that point, might as well just play retail.

They’ll scale all the raids up in wrath and do a random affix every week and keep it going for 4 years before restarting back at vanilla. They’ll do a hundred surveys to see which idea appeals to the most for redoing classic and go for it.

Just do mog runs with me and be a mog run andy


Without actual new content, the game would be dead past 1 year i’d bet. People get bored, and move on fast.

I see some Legion mythic sets in our futures.

I don’t think WoW is dead at all. People just waiting for Shadowlands to push to pre-patch to get back into Retail.

WOTLK is relaxing and no pressure as why race for world first in a game that’s been beaten 1,000’s of times.

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You can easily solo those already

More players in that pic than everyone still playing retail

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Two manning it is more fun

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Totally agree. I’m convinced Dragonflight will be one of the more popular expansions.

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hehehe :wink:

Honestly had no idea people still played retail arena, I figured this forum would be for wrath arena


Retail arena was good until it wasn’t this expac. Kinda went off the deep end for the money grabs of leggos condi gate keeping and gear locking.

Honestly with how pacing is I wouldn’t be surprised if gear didn’t address most woes.

its pretty trash tho? rogues literally ambushing people for their entire health pool? thats good pvp?

I mean it’s Wrath of the Lich King!!!

That is NOT how Wrath is lol. It’s probably the best Class balance everyone is pretty OP.