Is the game dead?

GL on your push. Same teammates as last season or lfg?

I kinda like how I can go my own pace in wotlk and give no fs on bis since the content is just relaxing with friends.


Nah. I started to. Would actually enjoy running Naxx again, but think Ima just watch someone stream a run for old time sake and save myself the headache of putting time into a toon that I will abandon entirely once DF launches. Better to just get my Shammy as OP for questing ready for DF as I can, and farm some cool mogs/mounts while I wait, IMO.


Same, did the dk starting zone for the free mount then logged out and haven’t logged back into classic.
I have no desire to play it. It’s either or with me and I prefer retail and DF. Can’t sink time into both and would rather focus on the 1 I’ll actual play consistently.
So I’ve started leveling alliance toons and got 4 from start to 60 in the last month or so for heritage armor.
Just killing time waiting on DF

and players wondered why there were problems with the boats

If Flapz is on I’ll play with him or else I’m just LFG lol.

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Flapz a real 1 for sure

I’m convinced boomies are all in cahoots to gaslight people that the class sucks because I keep catching 35k starsurges


Yes SL is dead
same with DF, dead junk. Level 80 pvp was THE peak. Wrath is back baby!

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You are going to be severely wasting time playing DF. Its going to be worse than SL.


Why are classic players like this.

I boosted a 70, messed up my talent tree like 4 times then logged.

Loved wrath 11 years ago tho


You know, there’s a toggle that will let you place all your points and then “learn” them once you have them where you want them.

Yea someone told me after I spent 50g

Would rather just leave it a fond memory

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50g is nothing.

I made almost 400g just spamming dungeons last night.

The problem with classic bc/wrath etc is that it’s a dead end. Once it’s over, it’s over for good. They aren’t going to go back and add additional content/patches to old systems. Also, people don’t have the same fondness for cata the way they did for bc/wrath so even if they do a classic cata
I highly doubt it will get anywhere NEAR the interest from players.

There’s actually talk of doing things like this. I feel like they’ll keep a wrath server active since it’s so popular.

That’s your opinion. If I’m happier and would rather play DF than classic, how am I severely wasting my time?

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Shhh. Dont let them know.

People are this excited for a 13 year old game should really be a message to blizzard and the current state of the game.

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Yea they learned from the puppet master xaryu how to constantly moan while broken.

Boomkin dh games the damage meters look :eyes: fine ie boomkin is never topping but the windows of starsurge are all that matter.

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made 600g casually doing wsg for fun last wkend

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