Is the game built to be overwhelming and not obvious to learn and teach without outside resources?

and probably its greatest failure.

They don’t sit down fix what they done. They keep adding more and more for everyone

As far as BiS Gear is concerned:

The issue is that games are largely not designed for people to literally simulate the fun out of them.

Stats aren’t designed to be used in a specific priority, at least not to the extent we act like they are here. They’re there to customize your character (at least beyond raw ilvl). Same for talents.

It’s players that end up mathing out what’s best and effectively enforcing that on each other, but it’s not at all required to play the game.

It wouldn’t be an issue if being “best” was complicated if players didn’t force themselves to copy it.

This is something that people struggle with a lot whenever multiplayer enters the picture.

You go look at people playing single player RPGs and they do whatever looks cool.

Barring Path of Exile, which is notorious for stonewalling its players if they built poorly.


Nowhere does Blizzard point anyone to 3rd party websites for help. Nowhere in the game will a new player find the answer to the question, “How am I doing?”

The problem is that the game is designed around MDI/RWF/gladiator players who want a ton of customization and use WA and such. Balancing skills around elite gameplay is fine, since they have the best understanding of balance and working classes to 100%, but balancing the experience around that kind of gameplay is terrible for new players. Which is why there are no new players anymore, only retained players and/or returning players. Classic was intuitive to get started, which is why many people got started (and why a lot of new player growth happens through classic).


Well if they made it simple people would complain.

I agree that it should be a bit more clear for new people instead of , " go download XZY addons" or read this guide on this external site on how to play X class.

But it is what it is now.

That site is meh and the main discord is full of trashy people.

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The game doesn’t know what’s best. If it tried to tell you it’d often be wrong. The players figure it out and share their conclusions amongst ourselves. The devs run with ideas but whatever pulls ahead at any given time isn’t that predictable which is why hotfixes and patchnotes exist.

If we want to play the influencer game PirateSoftware tanks mythic raid prog with zero addons. You don’t need them. You and I should probably have them because they help us and therefore our raidmates, but you also have the option of just learning the fight if you really want to.

These days we even have the adventure guide, back in the day the game would just send you in blind if you didn’t check up a guide written by people frantically snatching tooltips and mechanics info off running the bosses on the PTR and puttings things together for the rest of us.

Min/maxing was absolutely vicious in BC. There’s never been a time without it. Making the wrong choice in your build, stats, weapon, etc. could absolutely destroy you. There’ll never be a time in a game like WoW when your output will be optimal without first doing the optimizing.

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Yeah, darn those casuals. Getting things. Playing the game. Having fun.

Who do they think they are?


Players do not see these. They are not in the game.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say the designers try to create as many “wowhead moments” as possible.

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it’s been that way since day one. Even Ion had an entire screen full of add-ons while playing the game back in classic and Thottbot was used on a daily basis.

But this is the problem though, right? They’re so terrified of losing any of their current playerbase that loves the bloat that they refuse to change anything even though the game has become unmanageable and ridiculous for a new player. They’re paralyzed to actually fix anything.

Heck, I’ve played since 2004 off-and-on, have been in serious raid guilds, etc. and even I find it unmanageable when I quit for a while and then come back. Half the time I just give up and go back to what I was doing playing a different game.

The tooltips that lie and give incomplete info? :dracthyr_lulmao:

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I cant “just look at the boss” as a healer when I am making sure the DPS health bars dont go to zero since they just tunnel and dont do mechanics. Also what an asinine statement. The boss animations are not exactly clear on whats happening, especially larger bosses that take up the entire screen.


Min-maxing and “BIS” is something players do, in every game where it’s possible. It’s NOT something that needs to be supported in-game. The game needs a description of what your different stats do, then it should be up to you to figure it out.

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Well hopefully they add some kind of dungeon journal in game that will explain what the bosses’ casts do

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And I am sure you can read a engine tuning manual and then go do it right away. Asinine.

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It’s a reason I don’t really recommend wow to anyone. It’s tough to tell someone oh yeah go do research on wowhead for 75% of the content

A fair amount of games kind of rely on outside information to help teach players the game because there are a lot of communities and content creators that do that kind of thing now. Those in depth guides can really help someone learn, sure, but I wouldn’t say that it’s required.

As far as raids go, the dungeon journal honestly can give you a fair idea of what to expect from bosses and mechanics. Dungeons have the bosses listed, but not important trash mobs which are a big factor in M+. Some people use addons to help, but those aren’t required. You can perform just as well by learning audio and visual cues during fights.

As far as gearing, when leveling or doing more casual content like LFR, open world content, or normal/heroic/timewalking dungeons, you don’t have to have BiS or perfectly itemized gear. If it has your primary stat and is of an appropriate ilevel, it will do just fine. Most players that are getting into the more difficult content where that matters should have learned most of the gearing basics for their class.

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You’re the one that can’t figure out the boss mechanics from looking at what the boss is doing and then comparing it to what the dungeon journal says, not me

Which bosses are impossible to figure out the mechanics in your opinion. I’m curious