Is the community really toxic?

But what if the complainers complaining about complainers complain?



Right? And the ignore feature only does so much too. They can still see you, follow you, spam emote. If someone is determined to be a pr_ck, they will be.

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To be honest I blame it to degradation, its just the culture of the new generation and its not the game .

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I would think complaining about complainers can contribute to that. But not always.

:roll_eyes: Reddit/whooooosh

Dis troll never behave bad in trade chat, mon.

…dis troll behave bad in taverns


You’re asking the Forums, the most wretched hive of scum and villainy around.

Or rather, especially General Discussion.

Most of the community is pretty good. But you’re going to run into trash all over the place anyways because they’re loudest and you remember bad experiences more easily than good ones.

But there’s the same toxic elements in literally every game you play so /shrug


I mean, how often do you see threads or youtube videos of people just being happy about playing WoW?

…I’ll wait.

I don’t know…it would seem to me people haven’t really changed all that much. The newer generation just has more access to display (what I think) is pretty reflective of the human condition.

I agree and that’s really sad when people feel the need to be like that, thankfully I have only seen a few people in all of my time playing post a forum about something like happening in game.

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I run into maybe a handful of bad/mean/toxic players a month. For the most part, if you’re friendly, people are friendly back.

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Don’t make me post one right now…

1st time poster here. I have been back to the game over 3 years now and TBF truly “toxic” players are few and far between. Now I have met quite a few rude/unfriendly players but many many more kind and wonderful players willing to help and teach. Problem i have seen is them trying to calmly and kindly help or teach only to be raged on the vote kicked. I notice they usually dont talk in groups much afterwards.
just my 2 copper


It’s downright creepy, honestly. To be that into being a creep? Gee.
I’m glad it’s a rare thing though.

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People who aren’t going out of their way to praise the game are not inherently toxic. Criticism/apathy isn’t the same thing as toxicity.


Do it. I dare you!
Maybe some poor soul will see it and think to themselves: “See, the WoW community isn’t all that bad… :upside_down_face:

Hold my mana pot, I’m posting that right now.

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Well yes, but actually no. Most people are in game to have fun, you’ll ocassionally find a toxic one but it’s not very common.

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Try messing around in other MMOs that don’t encourage toxicity. GW2, FFXIV. Ask yourself, how do these communities behave? I have encountered toxic behavior in other MMOs. But WoW is douche central in comparison.

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