Is the Alliance a joke?

I like to say the Horde is comparable to riding a roller coaster that goes in an infinite loop and the Alliance is more like one of those impossible ring toss games where you constantly think you might get it but it never happens lol.


You had one job, sword! One!

So like a Malmsteen shred solo compared to someone playing a kazoo?


A Pyrrhic victory. We got nothing out of that battle since your ex-warchief goes full Stalin and committed a scorched-earth policy on Lordaeron Keep.

The fourth war was a lost cause because the horde under Sylvanas used the more ruthless “total war” paradigm, whilst the alliance used the more classic “conventional war” paradigm. We won nothing because you guys kept blowing it up before we even got a chance to step our foot on either Teldrassil or Lordaeron.


Yeah, what they should have done is make the Horde no longer playable.

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Lock horde creation until the population balances.


The population is like 53-47.


Alts don’t count, rpers have 50.

And so how would Blizzard gauge that then?

Base it on most played character per account, your main. :wink:

People use the level 120 stats because that’s about all we have, but i have 8, 7 of which are parked.

I should count as 1 alliance player.

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I said it was a joke back during BFA intro quest in which we attacked Undercity and no one brought a gas mask.

I mean it’d be kinda funny to watch the forums implode as people quit en masse, I guess.

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I doubt they would ever do something so silly.

Maybe, but I want to watch the galaxy burn now.

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Teldrassil was a start i suppose. Fire up the goblin cannon!

imagine thinking the books about the game are canon.

the game is canon. anything that breaks with the game is non canon.

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Not as much of a joke as your crappy recounting of history.

Try warm mode on an RP or oceanic server, trust me we experience these victories in game.

Ehhhh, I go raid Moon Guard goldshire fairly regularly. The Alliance there can’t pvp to save their lives.

Is that why your profile is hidden?