Is the Alliance a joke?

No, it’s not. Why do you ask?

Lol ok.
Also joining a massive raid and cross phasing over into another server is really not that impressive but okay.

Nah, i do it just me and a mate. We pretty regularly take on entire groups of Alliance though.

Yeah I don’t believe that

Okay. :woman_shrugging:

The Horde with not godly leaders is said to be winning the war and somehow it’s Alliance favoritism?

Isn’t that pulling a Batman vs Superman right there like they always do anytime they fight? Like the Horde beating the Night Elves in their forest at their own stealth ways with Garrosh because he was so Batman smart that he planned everything.

And in BFA a Blood Elf doing the same? Dumbing down the Alliance doesn’t sound like favoritism. And the Horde losing Darkshore is fine. I mean, if they just won it fighting versus Goddess empowered Tyrande and Malfurion with just a human ranger they might as well delete the race.

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I’ll take it. You know why? Because it would at least be some FRIGGIN INVOLVEMENT.

As long as Horde gets stuffed, and has to lose a city they get no real revenge for. It also has to stay that way in game for the next decade at least. We’ll grant you a tweet or Ion comment that says you guys actually won even though nothing changes in game.


You can easily prove your assertion by recording yourself and friend regularly beating groups of Alliance. Anybody can use OBS to record it, and anybody can sign up for a youtube account to upload it for all of us to view. Heck, even a boomer can do this.

Get to it.

wtf are you talking about?


Oh god that pyrrhic excuse again… Stop that. Every victory is a pyrrhic victory for some people.

The horde reason to go at war against the night elf ( not Sylvanas motivation since she was acting against horde good) was destroy the alliance will and end the war before it begin. We clearly failed at doing that so how is that more of a victory??? It is also a pyrrhic victory.

So what did the horde gained more than the alliance??? Except of also losing a city because of course the horde can’t win a fight when its against all alliance and not just against only one race.

Winning is not just about getting something. This is just not what war is. Winning is more about being the one that force the other to surrender and excuse them. The alliance clearly won BFA.

Alliance twisting everything to fit into their horde bias agenda.

Now book and anything isn’t canon and only game is canon. All that just to justify that the alliance didn’t won warfront in game…

Dont forget that you’d have to blow up one of your own city after seeing how the alliance is so weak that they cant fight the horde in a fair fight.

Following by having horde player claiming that the city you lost isn’t enough since it was your doing and that you should lost a other one.

Sure you would want all that???

I guess so. Pretty funny though to read someone posting that. I’ve seen some idiots before but damn.

Dont worry some are worst.

Someone already told me that hellfire citadel was horde bias because it used to be the iron horde capital before we got their and that since mag’nar are now horde 3 years later than it was horde content…

It would be enough, having used the military power of the alliance and having destroyed the ruins of Lordaerons and UndieCity.
Don’t let Syl use a blight and leave, making obscene gestures to the alliance.

That would have been enough.
But to win canonically, it was cheaper.

The Horde cries from siege to Orgrimmar for the alliance participating in Vol’jin’s attack on Garrosh, saying that we plundered the city but had no military benefit from it over the Horde.

but they complain about this event, in which we do not even do permanent damage (not surprising) and always ask for a siege to Stormwind.

So it makes sense not to let the alliance destroy with its own hand, a city of the horde.
The Horde’s cry would be titanic.

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Maybe I don’t get around but this place seems to be where the majority of alliance ‘woe-is-me’ hang out. Of course there are whiners on both factions, you’re going to see horde complaining just like the alliance but sorry the award for most complaints about getting the short end of the stick goes to the alliance players here.


Broad pen strokes by writers who revisit too much at 11.

Showing Alliance victories in game would require the Horde playerbase having their characters deleted with the lore explanation that the Alliance killed all the Horde heroes as they would be deemed to dangerous to live.

So if you wanna delete your character and leave the game forever for the benefit of the Alliance, knock yourself out.

Eh. I could, but am I gonna?