Is the Alliance a joke?

Silvermoon is waiting. We got kicked out of kalimdor, maybe we should boot them from eastern kingdoms?


A new home for night elves.

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If it wasn’t for the Alliance the insurrection wouldn’t have made it even 1/10th as far as they had. It’s not even debatable how instrumental they were in deposing Sylvanas, why even choose to die on this hill?

I’ll just blend these two together because you seem to refuse to consider this from a stance that isn’t purely emotional… Not only is this blatantly untrue, the zone is already instanced and phased due to the Warfronts being a feature of the expansion. When the zone needs to maintain changing hands for the sake of gameplay mechanics how on Earth would they present it in spite of those mechanics? Why even waste developer resources creating yet another phased instance of the zone that you can’t do anything with? If there’s any suggestions to be made for Blizzard to better emphasize the result of war within the game wasting time on things like that isn’t it.

You made a horrible comparison, realized it after the fact, and now you’re trying to shift the blame to validate your reason for making that comparison.

And I also have to wonder… What were you expecting to change? The king died in a monarchy system of governance and his immediate heir assumed his role and continued with his policies. Monarchy happened in the same fashion Monarchy has largely happened throughout the bulk of human history, OMG UNBELIEVABLE!!

Im at a loss in terms of how this invalidates anything I said. The bulk of the NE army was not in Ashenvale or Darkshore when those zones were sacked and is largely the reason why the NEs took Darkshore back alongside Tyrande staning every possessed character in Insidious. Are they doing great? Obviously not, but clearly they’re fine enough to push back an invasion force.

Is that right? Im sure you’ll continue to tell me all about it and make better examples than what im going to reply to next…

One capital was nuked, the other was taken back via siege. The raid being named the Siege of Orgrimmar isn’t just to appeal to the Rule of Cool, it was a siege, not a burning nor a destruction. What would be the point of Alexander the Great torching every landmass he conquered? That would be a waste for all parties involved. We were intending to take it back which is why Orgrimmar is still standing, to not address the fact that the gates of Orgrimmar had to be rebuilt by Gazlowe which occurred outside the game. Destroying Orgrimmar would have been counter-productive to our primary goal.

The fact that the Alliance has won every numbered war. The fact that the full might of the Horde came down upon the Night Elves lacking most of their military and rather than being easily deleted which makes the most sense they somehow repelled the Horde after an initial loss, losing a significant battle but winning the war for their existence and presence within Kalimdor. I could add on to this, such as Legion being almost entirely an Alliance expansion featuring pretty much nothing but Alliance characters sans one zone but you’ll likely find some excuse with this as well.

And the Horde loses its significant characters in-game so often the number of significant Horde characters could be counted on one hand, two if you’re being generous yet for some reason only one faction seems to throw their perpetual victim mentality around constantly… And to drive my point home…

At least you have leaders. I feel like I can say with confidence most Horde players dont give a damn about Baine and actively dislike him, but outside Baine and Lor’themar, who is left in the Horde that is likely to have any ongoing relevance? With Metzen not dropping hundreds of hours voice acting lines for Thrall I’d bet money we see him even less than we did Sylvanas in-game… Which may come as a surprise actually, but a majority of the accomplishments Sylvanas had apparently obtained all happened outside of the game as well! We as Horde players hardly even interact with her outside of a few very rare scenarios and she was the primary driver for our entire story. But again, I already have your reply to this in mind

The NEs reclaimed Darkshore and they have another World Tree a few mountain ranges away, they havent been kicked out of Kalimdor… Yet.

Yes Blizzard had wrote them to be pitiful.

Silvermoon would look great in blue.


I wish you the best of luck!

On your way to Silvermoon you would have to fight through multiple zones infested with Undead but Blizzard would probably asspull some Void Elves somehow managing to rip open portals to a land warded from such things.

I feel like both factions feel like a joke right now. Faction pride expansion? Maybe only if you were a Hordie that wanted the monster races to be generically monstrous and if you are I don’t really like you that much.


I want an Alliance win in game that I can see. Like IDK, Alliance owning Barrens, Stonetalon or some other obvious Horde area never to be retaken by Horde and with no Alliance loss to compensate. We can tell the Horde then won the zone back in a twitter post but never actually let them have it back in game.

Alliance not only want to win we want what the Horde ALWAYS get - to see the other side lose with no compensation. Let the Horde actually lose something and just get told they didn’t lose it in a tweet.

See how you like it.


Yes. We’re favoured and you’re just going to have to put up with it.

The problem is that NOTHING about the whole scene plays out this way. The entire focus of the moment is Saurfang and his sacrifice, his victory of Sylvanas…like the Alliance is there to move the story forward and that is it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The real failing was at the end of SoO where Blizzard did NOTHING and changed NOTHING through the poor writing. What you are talking about is just ANOTHER in a long list of problematic issues with the Alliance never being allowed a win. It is not just in how the game is presented from a zone perspective Alliance wins are ALWAYS done with them either backing into it or helping someone else…there is NEVER a win where the Alliance are allowed to be strategically or tactically brilliant, it’s always the uber powerful morons that show up and boom or oh the Horde failed at something so the Alliance wins or oh the Alliance wins…but “we will be watching” kind of garbage.

It is the the DEVELOPERS JOB to make the story work in the game through the story and the zones, not the players job to do the research to see what happened or ask the devs what happened in lore to figure it out.

I am doing none of this and i stand by what i wrote. You tried to make out Rastakans death as a thing while you didn’t lose the Zandalari and still “sealed” the deal. I simply used Umbric and Alleria as an analogy, the fact that you don’t like it doesn’t mean anything other then you don’t like it.

And again that is the whole point, you tried to make it out to be a thing for the Alliance when you are now seeing that not only did it change nothing but it held no meaning. Kind of doing my work for me.

I am not trying to invalidate what you said, i am saying that you don’t get to minimize the losses by what you said. And you clearly agree with this by saying

They got mostly slaughtered up until Tyrande and the hero get involved.

They didn’t do this alone. That is kind of the point of Tyrande’s change and you (the hero) being there. Also they only got them out of Darkshore.

Only because in Tides of War…reasons. Jaina decided not to level the place.

The Alliance didn’t conquer the Horde, going even more to my point. If this were the real world, Varian would have walked out in absolute control of everything. Instead he walked away after countless deaths (soldier and civilian alike) and destruction of land and property and nothing changed. The epitome of bad writing, THAT is Blizzard’s job, they want to do it, then do it right, not do it half baked and then say oh well nothing changed because…reasons.

If he was Alexander he would have given the population a choice (something Alexander did many times) to either fight and die or to give up and become ruled by him. Alexander did both.

That wasn’t Jaina’s goal until…reasons. It also wasn’t Varians goal until he had to have a warm moment for his son.

Destroying Org. would have been retribution at least…what we got was hot garbage wrapped in the thin veil of a story that fell apart under it’s own weight.

There is some merit to this but again it only happened because of Tyrande and the hero, not because of the Alliance, if anything the Alliance should find this as a shameful moment where Anduin left his Staunchest ally high and dry but somehow eventually found it in himself to provide every last troop he had for his bff in peace Saurfang.

This is a fallacy. HM was a zone and the entirety of Suramar was all Horde since clearly the Nightborne decided to side with the Horde because Tyrande was rude to Thalyssra after 10k years of hiding. There was a lot for the Alliance for sure, but the Horde were featured prominently as well (not to mention the Legion is and was an enemy of BOTH factions throughout WoW’s history and features prominently in both factions lore). Not only that but you trying to say BfA needs to be all about the Horde because Legion was about the Alliance is just flat out wrong in and of itself.

The Horde CONSTANTLY cries about the Warchief merry go round, but the fact is that the Horde has gotten all the story that is WHY they have had a merry go round. What story did the Alliance get this expansion…Jaina’s family backstory? That’s it.

That’s the whole point, they don’t LEAD. They show up to flex their uber powerful muscles when the story requires it and that’s it. If Variand/Anduin had been ANY type of leader the second war wouldn’t have happened and the first war would have been the end of the Horde to begin with. And certainly if we had Anduin lead he would have been there for Tyrande instead of worry about his Bff Saurfang.

As a Horde player i feel like Baine has some issues with his writing especially at UC… but in general he is the best of the lot. He is someone willing to go the distance to get the job done. They don’t like Baine because he has connection to Anduin, but it is that connection and his willingness to move to common goals that sets him apart.

That depends on how things play out. Not really sure where things are heading but i think the inclusion of the council is a good idea. Rokhan has potential but is too much an outsider as yet to be a huge leader in the way Vol’jin was. The leaders of the AR’s are too minor to the story as of yet, Gallywix is a hard no. Thrall coming back into the picture (or Go’el, god i hope they never use this name again) has some implications but probably not leadership. Reghar could be interesting but is a bit of an outside. Still while some of the big characters have been killed off that allows the story to grow, others to have time to become larger characters. What i wouldn’t give for peace loving Anduin to die at the hands of Tyrande and a council of leadership for the Alliance to take place.

Just think about it this way. Nathanos plays a big part in 8.1 and the Darkshore events and then keeps playing a role the WHOLE EXPANSION…while Tyrande and Malfurion pick their noses for the entirety of the expansion in Darkshore. Seriously everything with Azshara which should have been Night Elf story and the 2 most prominent Night Elf leaders are completely absent.

Difficult to say. It’s kind of hard to see where they can go with Thrall as a character. I think Sylvanas will be big in the opener of Shadowlands and then might disappear for awhile as events take place because at this point she is eating so much of the story there is not much room for anyone else on the Horde…much less the Alliance to breath in the story.

Except for all that she did in game as well, i mean come on.

That is because she is central to the story and what is going on. She is in a bunch of cinematics and is present at every major turn of the internal conflict of the story and even at major points of the wider arc with N’Zoth.

Hell the game even gives you an opportunity to make a decision to align with her or not. Alliance players didn’t even get a choice as to whether or not they wanted to go save Baine (an enemy leader in a war that was present at UC and saw the use of Blight), we HAD to do it because of course i know that is how i wanted to spend time.


Well here is the thing, you don’t know who is really about the Horde and for the Horde because the developers have tainted many people to play that side for the perks only, but in Alliance we know exactly who is with us and it makes for a better game because we’re in it together and we’re tight!

Yeah but we also don’t really care.

and that’s exactly how we want it LOL!

For The Alliance!!!

That was the campaign, not the raid. The raid was a total wash, didn’t need it to blow up the ships, they were on a remote detonator for months.

And killing the king wasn’t any sort of win for the Alliance, and it got him replaced by a more charismatic Queen so it was more of a gain for the Horde. The only thing of the Horde that the Alliance damaged in the raid itself was the Horde’s pride.

May as well rename it the Doolittle Raid of Dazaralor.

Ain’t it interesting that the Alliance’s role in the Battle of Dazar’alor was to move the Horde’s story along :thinking:

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Alliance won some battles.

Horde not only won the war, but have proceeded with genocides and leadership swapping that normally occurs with factions who have been in power for too hecking long.

I’d be 100% fine with the rest of the horde getting a free “out of the jail” card if there was the dissolution of factions, or some other thing that changed the manichaeism of horde vs alliance, even though the rebel leaders are also to blame for the war crimes that occurred throughout the horde campaign.

Hell, ain’t the Horde the underdog? Let them be conquered for once. If Blizzard loves Alliance vs Horde so much, give the setting a real reason for them to fight. Independence sounds good enough to me, after some Alliance tyranny.

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Do people still really think the Horde is the underdog? I mean, seriously?

They are a major player when it comes to world events and can seemingly produce near infinite troops for world-scale battles even after recently fighting a both a civil war AND a demonic invasion.

The Horde is a SUPER POWER there is nothing “underdog” about being a super power.


Victims complexes in video games are weird.

When our king guy gave that cool sword with the floaty-thing in the middle to that one orc so that the orc could fight an forsaken ranger. That was it, right? We were getting front row seats to a really cool show down!


Yeah, but said orc died shortly there after. What message does that send? “Alliance-made weapons are garbage and will get you killed”?

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