Is the Alliance a joke?

Watch the map of Azeroth!

At the points marked with X are the places where the alliance won, the horde canonically.
If we go to the places marked with X, we’ll see where we beat the horde.

Incredible victories.

Ignore Teldrassil, still smoking.
Ignore Theranomore and his arcane crater.
Ignore Gilneas and the blight over the streets.

These are places, in game, that we will never use or recover and where the horde won, canonically.

Yes. Alliance is a joke, from the beginning of BfA and we will end up being a joke.

Have Mercy


Pretty much.

More like the beginning of Cata.


Destroyed by Garrosh? That’s a funny joke.

sees title
Answer: Yes

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We’re about storywise as much against the whims of bad writing as a strawman to the breeze but you can still get decently far in solo play, but mass group play like higher 15+ mythics just don’t have the population, i’ve seen a couple 18-20 keys before in ally hosted but they take like 2 hours to fill.

They could obviously do a racial rebalance, or buff 1% crit/versatility racials to 5% to compete with 15% bloodlusts or 20% light of Naruu heals over 4 seconds vs 100% zanda heals over 4 seconds just seems broken. Even a single second cast of the gcd of the Zanda heal would have healed more than the full duration of the Light of the naruu talent. Horde racials being ± 1%, fine, but whole +100-200+% edges on the racials seems a little silly for the same thing.

I mean after all, the original reason behind nerfing alliance racials during late WoD/Early legion was to balance the races, but instead it tipped the scales back over to horde even worse than the pre-existing EMFH two trinket arena combo did. What was it, like 53% / 47%?

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Only to the current dev team.

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Theramore says hi… oh wait

The Alliance saves the world (or the universe) time and time again.

A Horde victory is when their leader does not screw up or get killed.


King was made to be lost too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you cant find her, you can punish me any time. :wink:


Fixed for actual lore

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I still not understand how people can think that. Yes Sylvanas is the one who destroy Undercity, but the horde was losing it anyway. The alliance would have claim it if not destroy.

So yes the alliance did force the horde to leave.

Not exactly. I agree that he was bring in Bfa only to be kill so Talanji could take the place. But Rastakan existed way before that blizzard probably think about killing him. He was teased a long ago and troll fan awaited him since a while.

Meanwhile the gorilla only had attention and allied himself in the alliance in the same questline that decided that he was going to be used against the horde. His fate was already seal the moment we new who he was compare to Rastakan.

Canonically horde have lost to the alliance each time in the long run. Alliance has canonically lost more soldiers and civilians each time.

But game mechanics don’t allow either side to actually suffer consequences. And we constantly have some greater threat to both sides show up.

At least they got to leave, unlike most of the night elves in Teldrassil; which, by the way, we still have yet to receive proper retribution for.


Change nothing about the fact that you pushed the horde out of one of their city which is a win. Dont try to change the subject.

We? What reparations or retribution do you think humans are entitled to?

I’m not changing the subject. It’s hardly much of a victory, when you consider that Sylvanas obliterated the whole city, so that the Alliance couldn’t have it either - after destroying an Alliance city, with most of its civilian population still inside.


Did Alliance ever get that “fist pump” moment we were promised?

Did I blink, and miss out on that one?

Or did all of the Alliance players that called out the “fist pump” as an empty promise get proven correct yet again?


I was referring to the Alliance; which the night elves are a part of. Why do you think we invaded Lordaeron in the first place? And for your information, there were Gilnean refugees living there too.

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